Weekend Notes
* No school Monday 5/31-Memorial Day
* Friday, 6/4- 12:00 dismissal
* Congratulations to David Urgiles, our new Student of the Week!
Weekend Notes
* No school Monday 5/31-Memorial Day
* Friday, 6/4- 12:00 dismissal
* Congratulations to David Urgiles, our new Student of the Week!
Homework # 124
1) Spelling- Test tomorrow
2) S.S.- worksheet- both sides
3) Math- Text page 354 #1-19 answers only
- Test tomorrow Chapter 10
* PJ Party tomorrow!
* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.
Homework # 123
1) Math- WB page 129
- Test Friday Chapter 10
2) English- WB page 98
* Letters went home today regarding our party on Friday. Please check folders.
Homework # 122
1) Spelling- worksheet
2) Math- WB page 128
- Test Friday Chapter 10
* Letters went home today regarding Step Up Day. Please check folders.
Weekend Notes
* Virtual Tricky Tray this weekend! Check out our website for details.
* 12:00 dismissal next Friday.
* Congratulations to Franco Poire, our new Student of the Week!
Homework # 119
1) English- WB page 96
2) Math- worksheet
3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter Two ( text pages A70-A89)
Homework # 118
1) Math- WB page 124
2) Please finish your fables. We will be sharing them with the Kindergarten next week.
3) Science- Be a seed hunter! List as many seeds that you find in or around your home.
* Please bring in a wire hanger tomorrow.
Homework # 117
1) Math- WB page 123
- Quick Quiz tomorrow
2) Science- worksheet
- Test Thursday
3) Vocabulary- WB page 154
* Please bring in a wire hanger by Wednesday.
* MAP testing tomorrow for Math.
Weekend Notes
* MAP testing continues. Tuesday is our Math (and final) portion.
* Congratulations to Madeleine Amores and Luke Young, our new Students of the Week!
Homework # 116
1) English- Test tomorrow- 5.10-5.17 ( Text pages 124-139)
2) Math- WB page 122
Homework # 115
1) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 4-Lessons 1-3 ( text pages 84-99). Know two facts for President Truman, Kennedy, or Nixon.
2) Math- WB page 121
3) English- Test Friday
Homework #114
1) S.S.- Test Thursday Chapter 4-Lessons 1-3 ( text pages 84-99). Review sheets went home today.
2) Math- WB page 120
3) Science- worksheet
* If you have chosen your May book, please show it to me if you haven't already.
Homework # 113
1) English- WB page 90
- Test Friday
2) Math- WB page 119
- Quick Quiz tomorrow
3) S.S- Test Thursday Chapter 4
* MAP Testing tomorrow at 8:30
* Pizza Lunch tomorrow.
* Please check backpacks for letters regarding our May book project.
Weekend Notes
* We will begin MAP testing on Tuesday at 8:30. Remote learners will be testing as well.
* If you are interested in ordering our class book, please send your order in by Monday.
* A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for my wonderful class card and gift card for Teacher Appreciation Week. I am truly grateful, and I certainly feel appreciated!
* Congratulations to Cara Casey and Edward Deyro, our new Students of the Week!
Homework # 112
1) Math- Text page 322 # 1-22
- Test tomorrow Chapter 9
2) English - WB page 88
* Book orders due Monday.
* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.
Homework # 111
1) English- WB page 87
2) Science- Test tomorrow Lesson1- Chapters 1,2,4 & 5- Review sheets went home yesterday.
3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 16
* All Mirror of Erised stories are now due.
Homework # 110
1) Math- WB page 116
- Test Friday Chapter 9
2) Science- Test Thursday Lesson 1: Chapters 1,2,4,& 5 ( text pages A6-A27 and A40-A61) Review sheets went home today.
3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 16
* Please make your corrections for you Mirror of Erised story and "share" them with me.
* Parents, please read the letter from Dr. Valenti attached below.
Homework # 109
1) Math- WB page 115
- Quick Quiz tomorrow
2) Science- worksheet ( It is posted on Google Classroom)
- Test Thursday Lesson 1 ( not Chapter 3)
3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 16
* Reading Logs due tomorrow.
* Please bring in Rosary Beads tomorrow.