January 30th

Weekend Notes

* Tag Day on Monday-$2.00

* January Temperature Line Graphs are due on Tuesday- Use the calendar information you have been collecting to create a line graph.  You may use graph paper or use a ruler on blank paper.

* The Fourth Grade Class Mass is next Friday, February 8th.  All are welcome!

*Congratulations to Braden Greene-McDonald, our new Student of the Week!

January 29th

Homework # 67

1) Math- WB pg. 100

2) Spelling-Test tomorrow

3) Book Reports and Reading Logs are due tomorrow

*Don't forget to wear your football jerseys/ tee shirts for our Super Bowl/ Game Day!

January 28th

Homework # 66

1) Math- WB pg. 99

2) S.S.- Fill in all of the states (abbreviations are okay) on the blank side of the map

*Don't forget your "buddy snack" for tomorrow's Kindness Campaign.

January 27th

Snow Day Notes

Nifty Fifty is tomorrow.  Please bring in your poster, report, and your food.  You may wear your state tee shirt to school.

Book reports and Reading Logs are due on Friday.

Enjoy your day off!!

January 26th

Snowy Notes

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

*Nifty Fifty Day is scheduled for Wednesday.  Please bring in your poster, report, and your food.  You may wear your state tee shirt to school on Wednesday.

*Book reports and Reading Logs are due on Friday.

*Enjoy the snow!*

January 23rd

Weekend Notes

*Catholic Schools Week begins on Monday.  Please check the backpack for our scheduled events!

*Book Reports are due next Friday 1/30.

*Congratulations to Darren Herrera and James Walsh, our new Student(s) of the Week!

January 22nd

Homework # 65

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) S.S.- Do text page 123-Facts and Main Ideas section- #1,2,&5
           -Test tomorrow Chapter 4

3) Math- WB pg. 98

*Next week is Catholic Schools Week.  Here is an outline of what the Fourth Grade will be doing:

Monday-Harry Potter Day

Tuesday- School Spirit Day-Come dressed in your blue and gold school colors.

Wednesday- Nifty Fifty Day

Thursday- Kindness Campaign-Please bring the snack for the friend you chose in class.  We will also be doing random acts of kindness throughout the school.

Friday- Superbowl/ Games Party- Please wear your favorite football jersey (or shirt) as we enjoy some Superbowl fun.  This is a 12:00 dismissal day.

January 21st

Homework # 64

1) English-Test tomorrow-Chapter 4 (only to pg. 95)

2) Spelling- WB pg. 44

3) Math- WB pg. 97

4) S.S.-Test Friday-Chapter 4-Review sheets went home today.

5) Religion- Interview an adult-Ask: Do you think people worship false gods?  If so, what are they?

*Kickboxing tomorrow*

January 20th

Homework # 63

1) Math- WB pg. 96

2) Science- worksheet

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 9

4) English- WB pg. 62-Test Thursday

January 19th

Homework # 62

1) Math- WB pg. 95- Quick quiz tomorrow

2) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

3) Religion-Read pgs. 114&115-Do pg. 116. Test Wednesday

4) English- WB pg. 60

*Bring in an empty water bottle tomorrow ( any individual size is fine).

January 16th

Weekend Notes

*Scholastic Book orders are due on Monday.

*12:00 dismissal on Monday.

*Please return your diamante poems if you haven't already.

*Congratulations to Olivia Costa, our new Student of the Week!

January 15th

Homework # 61

1) Vocabulary- test tomorrow Unit 6

2) Math- do text pg. 262 # 1-6- Test tomorrow Chapter 7

*Please replace your cover if needed.*

3) English - WB pg. 59

January 14th

Homework # 60

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter Three

2) Math- WB pg. 92- Test Friday

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 64 and 65-Test Friday

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00

*Hat Day tomorrow!  Come wearing  your favorite hat!

January 13th

Homework #59

1) S.S-worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 91-Test Friday

3) English- WB pg. 58

4) Science- Test Thursday-Chapter Three

*Please bring in a note if you are going to Moonlight Bingo on Friday night.*

January 12th

Homework # 58

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 60

2) Math- WB pg. 90- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) Science- Worksheet-both sides.  Test Thursday Chapter Three.

January 9th

Weekend Notes

-Letters were sent home today with a few upcoming dates.  Please check the homework folders.

-Congratulations to Joseph Vincent, our new Student of the Week!

January 8th

Homework # 57

1) Math- WB pg. 88

2) Science- Print or draw pictures for the amphibian, mammal, reptile, and bird groups.

3) Religion- Do pg. 106- Test tomorrow Chapter 8

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* I will be sending home a note tomorrow regarding the ixl program, but if you can't wait here is some help:

Your username is your first and last name followed by 513 ( no caps or spaces)
                         ex: jessicavaldes513

Your password is your last name and your first initial (no caps or spaces)
                         ex: valdesj

January 7th

Homework # 56

1) Math- WB pg. 87- Quiz tomorrow

2) Science- Print (or draw) pictures for the three fish groups.

3) Spelling- WB pg, 40

4) Religion- Test Friday- Chapter 8

January 6th

Homework #55

1) Math- WB pg. 86-Quiz on Thursday

2) Religion- Choose two commandments and write what each means to you.

3) English- WB pg. 55

4) Science- Leave a paper or plastic cup of water outside for three hours.  Tell what happened.  Why did it happen?

*2 pt. bonus for S.S.- Who shot President Lincoln?

Please bring completed Reading Logs tomorrow.

January 5th

Homework # 54

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

2) Math- WB pg. 85- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) S.S.- Create a travel brochure for the Northeast.  Include five places to visit with pictures.

* I have enrolled our class in the iXL online math program.  It is a self-paced math practice site that the students can work on at home.  In order to set up student accounts, I need to provide a home email address, which I didn't want to pass along along without consulting parents first.  If you do not wish to register your email (there is no cost to you) please let me know by Wednesday.

I will send out a more detailed letter once we are registered.