May 28th

Homework # 116

1) Math- WB pg. 153

2) Spelling- WB pg. 84-Test tomorrow

3) English- Text pg. 181- Sections 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10- Please write sentences.
    Test tomorrow Chapter 7

* Book Commercials are due tomorrow.*

May 27th

Homework # 115

1) S.S.- worksheet- both sides

2) Math- Text pg. 237 # 1-22

3) Spelling- WB pg 82 and 83 top

4) English- Test Friday Chapter 7

* Book Commercials are due on Friday.*

May 26th

Homework # 114

1) Math- Text pg. 236 # 1-18-Test tomorrow Chapter 6

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) S.S.- Begin your first paragraph of your County Report.  Bring your paragraphs to class tomorrow.

May 22nd

Weekend Notes

*Book Commercials are due Friday, May 29th.*

*Moon Calendars are due June 1st.*

*Congratulations to Caitlin Fritz and Oliver Lopez, our new Students of the Week!

May 21st

Homework # 113

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 83-Test Wednesday

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 10 ( pgs, E6-E27)

4) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow-Unit 12

May 20th

Homework # 112

1) Science- Text page E26- Vocabulary (answers only) and Test Prep (please write questions) Sections- Test Friday.

2) Math- WB pg. 82

3) English-WB pg. 113. Please bring a stamped envelope tomorrow.

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 18

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00*

May 19th

Homework # 111

1) Math- WB pg. 81

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 123

3) S.S.- Please complete your county information-fill in the blanks on your outline sheet.

4) Religion- Test Thursday

May 18th

Homework # 110

1) Math- WB pg. 80- Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Science- worksheet- Test Friday

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 122

* Congratulations to Kathleen Burke and Alexander Silva, our new Students of the Week!

May 14th

Homework # 109

1) Math- WB pg. 79

2) Harry Potter Test tomorrow-Study vocabulary words from Chapters 11-17.  Know at least two words and their meanings from your Dictionary section.

3) English- WB pg. 109

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow

May 13th

Homework # 108

1) Math- WB pg. 78- Also bring in two pictures: one with a lot of mass, one with little mass.

2) English- WB pg. 108

3) Spelling- WB pg. 108

4) Harry Potter Test on Friday- study Vocabulary from Ch. 11-17 and know two words from your "Dictionary" section.

May 12th

Homework Notes

*No written homework because of the play...break a leg!!

*Harry Potter Test on Friday-Study the vocabulary words in your notebook from Chapters 11-17.
  You may use the novel for the test.

*Scholastic Book orders are due Friday.*

May 11th

Homework # 107

1) Spelling- Corrections five times each

2) Math- WB pg. 76- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapters 5 & 6 -Know two facts about either Presidents Wilson, Harding, Coolidge or Hoover.

May 8th

Weekend Notes

* S.S. Test on Tuesday (Chapters 5 & 6)

* Please return your textbook loan form if you haven't already.

* Congratulations to Kaitlyn Brady, our new Student of the Week!

May 7th

Homework # 106

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow- Unit 11

2) English- WB pg. 106

3) Math- WB pg. 74- Please bring in two pictures: something that is heavy
                                                                                  something that is light

4) Science- Test tomorrow- Text pages (C54-C59) and ( C 66- C88)

May 6th

Homework Notes

*Our Spring Concert begins at 7:00 tonight.  Please arrive at 6:45 in our classroom.*

*Vocabulary and Science Tests on Friday.*

May 5th

Homework # 105

1) English-WB pg. 100

2) Math- WB pg. 72

3) Religion- text pg. 206-Test tomorrow Chapter 17.

4) Science- Test Friday- Lessons 5, 6, & 7 (Text pgs. 54-59 and 66-89).  Review sheets went home today.

*Please remember your rosary beads.*

*News from Grade Four newsletters went home today.*

May 4th

Homework # 104

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 71- Quick Quiz tomorrow- Study 11 times table.

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 112

4) Religion- Test Wed.- Chapter 17

*Mythical Creature stories are due tomorrow.*

May 1st

Weekend Notes

* Summer uniforms begin on Monday.  You may wear sneakers with your golf shirt and uniform shorts.*

* Please choose a Newbery Award winning book for May's reading.*

*Congratulations to Vanessa King and Tom Petrie, our new Students of the Week!