December 22nd

Christmas Notes

* Idea for the day you're missing schoolwork (please stop laughing first).

   Each of your states for Nifty Fifty has a tourism or visitors website.  Every state offers a free packet    of information about the state.  Most have an online form to request the packet.  You should get      your packet before the report is due if you fill it out soon.

*A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all!

December 21st

Homework # 51

1) S.S.- Create a cover for your "Branch of Government" report.

2) For Tomorrow:  You may wear your pajamas to school.

    Please Bring:   1) Your full uniform in a bag.
                             2) You may bring a pillow OR a blanket
                              3) A stuffed animal ( optional)

3) Reading Logs due tomorrow.

*It is a full day tomorrow.  There is no school on Wednesday.

December 18th

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due Monday.

* Reading Logs are due Tuesday.

*Tuesday is our Movie/Pajama Party.  A note will go home on Monday with details.

*Congratulations to Stella Choi, our new Student of the Week!

December 17th

Homework # 50

1) Math- WB pg. 56

2) Science- Add a photo and two facts on your "Invertebrate Chart" for:
sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms.

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 3 (text pages 66-87)

4) English- WB pg 139
                 - Brief test Monday on writing a formal letter.

5) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 7

December 16th

Wednesday Notes

* Religion Test tomorrow- Chapter 8

* Please return report card envelopes if you haven't already.

* The Christmas Concert is tonight at 7:00.  Please report to our classroom at 6:45.

* Tag Day tomorrow, 12/17- $2.00- you may wear red and green for Christmas!

December 15th

Homework # 49

1) Science- Worksheet- both sides

2) Math- WB pg. 54

3) Religion- Test Thursday-Chapter 8

4) English- Write a formal letter of complaint.
                 - Brief test Monday to write a formal letter.

* Please return your signed report card envelope if you haven't already.*

December 14th

Homework # 48

1) Math- WB pg. 53- Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-10 tables)

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 72

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 8

4) English- Finish formal letter draft

December 11th

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due Monday, December 21st.  This month's topic is health/medicine.

* Please continue with your December Reading Log.  It will be collected early this month- Tuesday, December 22nd.

* Congratulations to Ava Previzi, our new Student of the Week!

December 9th

Homework # 46

1) Math- WB pg. 50
            - Test Friday Chapter 4

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow, words on pg. 10

3) Science- Text pg. A 92- Vocabulary Section- Please write the sentences.
                  - Test Friday Chapter 2

December 8th

Homework # 45

1) S.S.- Worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 49- Test Friday- Chapter 4

3) Spelling- pgs. 11 and 12

4) Science- Test Friday-Chapter Two (text pages A 70- A 89).  Review sheets went home today.

*There will be a short review session after school tomorrow until 3:10 for anyone who would like to spend a little more time with two digit multiplication.

December 7th

Homework # 44

1) Math- WB pg. 48- Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 0-7 tables).  Here is a video to help wth tonight's work:

2) Spelling- WB pg. 10

3) English- WB pg.138

* Bring in two pictures for Art class: Either Disney/Pixar, Marvel, or Star Wars characters.  Please bring both from the same group.

December 4th

Weekend Notes

* December is a Current Events month.  The topic and due date will be announced on Monday.

* Congratulations to Maria Calianese, our new Student of the Week!

December 3rd

Homework # 43

1) Math- worksheet- both sides.

2) Science- worksheet -# 1-13

3) English- Easy Test tomorrow pgs. 224-230
                 - Finish paragraph draft

4) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 6

December 2nd

Homework # 42

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 62- Test Friday

2) Math- WB pg. 46- Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 126-145)

3) English- WB pg, 137
                -  Due Thursday- Four Square organizer
                -  Easy Test Friday pgs. 224- 230

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 5
                   - Read and do pgs. 74-76

December 1st

Homework # 41

1) Math- WB pg. 45
              - Quiz Thursday ( text pages 126-145)

2) S.S.- Worksheet- On the back, list ten things you would take in a covered wagon.

3) English- WB pg.136
                - Due Thursday- Four Square organizer

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 5

* Group 2 heads to Santa's Workshop for shopping tomorrow.