October 1st

 Weekend Notes

* MAP Testing will begin on Thursday, 10/7

* Pizza lunches will begin next Friday, 10/8

* Reading Logs were due today.  If you did not submit yours today, please return on Monday.

* Congratulations to Maximo Pertuz, our new Student of the Week!

**Adios, Blogger!  We will be transitioning to Google Classroom next week.  Invites were sent on Wednesday.  If you haven't received an invitation to join our Google Classroom, please let me know.

September 30th

 Homework # 12

1) Math- Do text page 64 # 1-15

             - Test tomorrow Chapter 1 ( text pages 36-61)

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 2

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.*

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow- No Aftercare.

September 29th

 Homework # 11

1) Math- WB page 10

              - Test Friday Chapter 1

2) English- WB page 10

3) Vocabulary- Test Friday Unit 2

* Tag Day tomorrow $2.00- Funds collected will support Afghan refugees.

* 12:00 dismissal on Friday.

* Daily posts will appear both here and on Google Classroom for the remainder of this week.  Next week we will begin Google Classroom only.

September 28th

  Homework #10

1) Math- WB page 10

            - Test Friday Chapter 1

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB page 23

                       - Test Friday Unit 2

* Tag Day on Thursday- $2.00 to aid Afghan refugees.

September 27th

 Homework # 9

1) Math- WB page 7

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB page 20

* Letters went home today with book project instructions.  Please check Homework folders.

* Here is a video with some extra help for counting up to make change:  Please let me know if you're unable to open it:


September 24th

 Weekend Notes

- Please continue filling in your Reading Log.  They will be collected and graded at the end of the month.

-Next Friday, October 1st is a half day- 12:00 dismissal.

- Here is a video to help you review making change:


- Congratulations to Natalie Sayegh, our new Student of the Week!

September 23rd

 Homework #8

1) Math- WB page 8 # 1, 2, and 3 only

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 1.  Don't forget your Bible Verse!

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

September 22nd

 Homework # 7

1) English- WB page 8

2) Religion- Test Friday Chapter 1.

3) Science- worksheet

September 21st

 Homework # 6

1) Math- WB page 6

              - Half Chapter Test tomorrow ( text pages 36-46)

2) Spelling- worksheet

3) Religion- Test Friday Chapter 1

September 20th

 Homework # 5

1) Math- WB page 5

             Half Chapter Test Wednesday- Text pages 36-46

2) Spelling- Corrections five times each.

September 17th

 Weekend Notes

* PTO Parent Social tonight from 6-9.  All are welcome!

* Congratulations to Nicolaus Brueggemeier, our Student of the Week!

September 16th

 Homework # 4

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 1

2) Math- WB page 3

* Back To School Night tonight at 7:00 PM.  Please come directly to our classroom.  Kindly limit attendance to one parent/guardian to avoid crowding.

If you wish to participate via ZOOM, the link is provided below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 730 1748 3735
Passcode: FtSHc0

I will be admitting attendees as they log on.  If your sign in name for ZOOM does not reflect your name    ( ie "Yankee Fan") please send me an email letting me know who you are.  I cannot admit names I do not recognize.

** Also, it is not too late to sign up for instrumental music lessons. 

September 15th

 Homework # 3

1) Math- WB page 4

2) English- WB page 5

3) Vocabulary- Test Friday-Unit 1

* Tomorrow is Picture Day!  Your choice of clothing- uniforms are not required.

* Tomorrow is Back To School Night at 7:00 PM.  To avoid crowding, please have only one parent/ guardian attend.  Our ZOOM link is listed below.  All are welcome on ZOOM!

Jessica Valdes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 730 1748 3735
Passcode: FtSHc0

September 14th

 Homework # 2

1) Math- worksheet

2) Vocabulary- WB page 11

                       - Test Friday, Unit 1

* Back to School Night on Thursday at 7:00 PM.  Please have only one parent/ guardian attend to avoid crowding.  A ZOOM link will be posted tomorrow for remote participation.

* Picture Day on Thursday.

September 13th

 Homework # 1

1) Math- WB page 1

2) Vocabulary- WB page 10

* Please bring in two rocks tomorrow.

September 10th

 Weekend Notes

- All of our textbooks and workbooks have been distributed.  Please finish covering if you haven't already.

- Monday begins our lunch program.  If you ordered lunches for next week, you will receive your meals on your selected days.  No same day orders can be accepted.

- Beginning Monday, our class will be dismissed from the side yard ( blacktop) door.

-Have a wonderful weekend.  Never forget.

“Blessed are they who mourn, they will be comforted.” 

September 9th

 Thursday's Notes

- Today we took home: our Science textbook, our Vocabulary workbook, and our Handwriting workbook.

Please cover the Science text with brown ( grocery bag type) paper or thicker wrapping paper.  You may cover the workbooks with contact paper, book socks, or brown paper.

- Tomorrow-Friday, 9/10- is our first FULL day.  Please bring your lunch and a recess snack.

-Mass tomorrow at 11:00.

- Pep Rally tomorrow at 1:15.

- Monday's dismissal will be through the side ( blacktop) yard.

September 8th

 Wednesday's Notes

-Three more books went home today: our English Text, Social Studies Text, and English workbook.

Please cover text books with brown ( grocery bag type) paper or thicker wrapping paper.  No book socks or contact paper on textbooks.

Workbooks may be covered with paper, contact paper, or book socks.

- Aftercare and Before care begin tomorrow.

-12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

-Summer packet work is due Monday.  Many were handed in today-thank you!

-Our class will be dismissed through the front doors for this week only.  Beginning Monday, 9/13, we will be dismissed through the side yard ( blacktop) doors.

September 7th

 Happy First Day!  Welcome Aboard!

Students brought home:  Math textbooks, Math workbooks, and Religion workbooks.

-Please cover your Math Text with brown (grocery bag type) paper, or any thick wrapping paper.  No contact paper or book socks on textbooks!

-Please cover your Math workbook and Religion textbook with your choice of brown paper, contact paper or book socks.

- We will have Gym tomorrow.  Please wear your Gym uniforms to school.

- 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

June 22nd

 Tuesday's Notes

* Prayer Service tomorrow at 11:00.  Our class will attend in person.

* Please empty backpacks tonight for one last load tomorrow.

* If you have any classroom library books at home, please return them tomorrow.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow-Our last day!

June 21st

 Monday's Notes

* Our class frog, Felecia, is up for adoption!  If you are interested in adopting Felecia, please bring a note in tomorrow granting your permission.  If two or more letters are received, we will have a drawing.

* Please empty backpacks tonight, as we will be taking home a few books each day to avoid an overload.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

* If you have a school library book at home, please return it tomorrow.

June 17th

 Homework # 135

1) Spelling- worksheet- both sides

* Field Day tomorrow!  Please bring water bottles and wear sunscreen.  You may bring a drawstring bag if you'd like.  Morning snacks and pizza lunch will be provided.

June 16th

Homework # 134

1) Math- WB page 154

2) English- WB page 111

* Field Day on Friday!

* Please bring in a disposable mask tomorrow.

June 15th

 Homework # 133

1) English- WB page 110

2) Math- WB page 153

* Please bring a disposable mask in by Thursday.

* Our class books have arrived!  Please check backpacks if you ordered one.  Congratulations to or published authors!

June 14th

 Homework # 132

1) Math- worksheet

Last Quick Quiz tomorrow!

Here is a video to help with complex figures:


2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) Finish your final copy of your fairy tale.

* Step Up Day tomorrow!  Parents, if you are attending, please meet us by the Upper School at 1:00 PM

June 11th

 Weekend Notes

* Step Up Day is Tuesday, 6/15 at 1:00.

* Field Day on Friday. 6/18.

* Congratulations to Makena Amores and Mia Calderon, our new Students of the Week!

June 10th

 Homework # 131

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 16

2) Math- Text page 378 # 1-11 ( not #3)

              - Test tomorrow Chapter 11

3) Please finish your fairy tale draft.

* Book projects due tomorrow.

June 8th

 Homework # 129

1) Math- WB page 136

             -Test Friday Chapter 11

2) Vocabulary- WB page 163

                      - Test Friday Unit 16

* Book Projects due Friday.

June 8th

 Homework # 128

1) Science- worksheet

2) Vocabulary- WB page 164

3) Math- WB page 135

              - Quick Quiz tomorrow

* Book projects due on Friday, 6/11

June 4th

 Weekend Notes

* Kids Tricky Tray coming next week!  

* May Book Projects are due next Friday, 6/11

* Congratulations to Camryn Martucci and Rylend Wright, our new Students of the Week!

June 3rd

 Homework # 127

1) Math- WB page 134 (not # 5)

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 5 ( Text pages 116-129)

3) English- Test tomorrow Chapter 6

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

June 1st

 Homework # 125

1) English- WB page 100

                - Test Friday Chapter 6

2) Math- WB page 132

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 18

* Field Day tee shirt orders due tomorrow.

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.

May 28th

 Weekend Notes

* No school Monday 5/31-Memorial Day

* Friday, 6/4- 12:00 dismissal

* Congratulations to David Urgiles, our new Student of the Week!

May 27th

 Homework # 124

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) S.S.- worksheet- both sides

3) Math- Text page 354 #1-19 answers only

             - Test tomorrow Chapter 10

* PJ Party tomorrow!

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

May 26th

 Homework # 123

1) Math- WB page 129

             - Test Friday Chapter 10

2) English- WB page 98

* Letters went home today regarding our party on Friday.  Please check folders.

May 25th

 Homework # 122

1) Spelling- worksheet

2) Math- WB page 128

              - Test Friday Chapter 10

* Letters went home today regarding Step Up Day.  Please check folders.

May 21st

 Weekend Notes

* Virtual Tricky Tray this weekend!  Check out our website for details.

* 12:00 dismissal next Friday.

* Congratulations to Franco Poire, our new Student of the Week!

May 19th

 Homework  # 119

1) English- WB page 96

2) Math- worksheet

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter Two ( text pages A70-A89)

May 18th

 Homework # 118

1) Math- WB page 124

2) Please finish your fables.  We will be sharing them with the Kindergarten next week.

3) Science- Be a seed hunter!  List as many seeds that you find in or around your home.

* Please bring in a wire hanger tomorrow.

May 17th

 Homework # 117

1) Math- WB page 123

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Science- worksheet

                 - Test Thursday

3) Vocabulary- WB page 154

* Please bring in a wire hanger by Wednesday.

* MAP testing tomorrow for Math.

May 14th

 Weekend Notes

* MAP testing continues.  Tuesday is our Math (and final) portion.

* Congratulations to Madeleine Amores and Luke Young, our new Students of the Week!

May 13th

 Homework # 116

1) English- Test tomorrow- 5.10-5.17 ( Text pages 124-139)

2) Math- WB page 122

May 12th

 Homework # 115

1) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 4-Lessons 1-3 ( text pages 84-99).  Know two facts for President Truman, Kennedy, or Nixon.

2) Math- WB page 121

3) English- Test Friday

May 11th

 Homework #114

1) S.S.- Test Thursday Chapter 4-Lessons 1-3 ( text pages 84-99).  Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB page 120

3) Science- worksheet

* If you have chosen your May book, please show it to me if you haven't already.

May 10th

 Homework # 113

1) English- WB page 90

                - Test Friday

2) Math- WB page 119

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) S.S- Test Thursday Chapter 4

* MAP Testing tomorrow at 8:30

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow.

* Please check backpacks for letters regarding our May book project.

May 7th

 Weekend Notes

* We will begin MAP testing on Tuesday at 8:30.  Remote learners will be testing as well.

* If you are interested in ordering our class book, please send your order in by Monday.

* A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for my wonderful class card and gift card for Teacher Appreciation Week.  I am truly grateful, and I certainly feel appreciated!

* Congratulations to Cara Casey and Edward Deyro, our new Students of the Week!

May 6th

 Homework # 112

1) Math- Text page 322 # 1-22

             - Test tomorrow Chapter 9

2) English - WB page 88

* Book orders due Monday.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

May 5th

 Homework # 111

1) English- WB page 87

2) Science- Test tomorrow Lesson1- Chapters 1,2,4 & 5- Review sheets went home yesterday.

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 16

* All Mirror of Erised stories are now due.

May 4th

Homework # 110

1) Math- WB page 116

            - Test Friday Chapter 9

2) Science- Test Thursday Lesson 1: Chapters 1,2,4,& 5  ( text pages A6-A27 and A40-A61)  Review sheets went home today.

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 16

* Please make your corrections for you Mirror of Erised story and "share" them with me.

* Parents, please read the letter from Dr. Valenti attached below.


May 3rd

 Homework # 109

1) Math- WB page 115

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Science- worksheet ( It is posted on Google Classroom) 

                  - Test Thursday Lesson 1 ( not Chapter 3)

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 16

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.

* Please bring in Rosary Beads tomorrow.

April 30th

 Weekend Notes

* Please submit your Mirror of Erised story if you haven't already.

* If you'd like to enter the cover art competition for our book, please have your sample on 

* Congratulations to Makena Amores, our new Student of the Week!

April 29th

 Homework # 108

1) Please type your final copy of your Mirror of Erised writing in Google Docs.  Be sure to click the "Share" button in the top right corner to share it with me ( valdesj@sjsusa.org).

2) Reading- Harry Potter test tomorrow.  Study Chapters 12-17 vocabulary.

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 14.

April 28th

 Homework # 107

1) English- WB page 85

2) Math- WB page 113

3) Reading- Harry Potter Final Test on Friday- Study chapters 12-17 vocabulary 

April 27th

 Homework # 106

1) Math- WB page 112

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB page 145

April 26th

 Homework # 105

1) Science- Please complete your Biome Book.

2) Vocabulary- WB page 144

3) Math- WB page 111

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

April 22nd

Weekend Notes

* Professional Day for teachers tomorrow, 4/23- No school for students.

* Please check backpacks for letters regarding Current Events for this month.

* Please be sure to have three pencils each day.

* Congratulations to Portia Goett, our new Student of the Week!

April 21st

 Homework # 104

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) Math- WB page 109

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 15

* If you have Play Doh at home, please bring it tomorrow.

* Please bring in your cut bottles and your "outdoor items" tomorrow.

* Tag Day tomorrow- $2.00.

April 20th

 Homework # 103

1) English- Test tomorrow Chapter 5- Lessons 5.1-5.9 only ( text pages 106-123)

2) Spelling- Worksheet (page 60)

3) Math- WB page 108

* Please bring a 2L bottle in by Thursday.  As demonstrated on class today, please cut a capital "I" into the side.

April 19th

Homework # 102

1) Math- WB page 107

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) English- Test Wednesday ( Text pages 106-123)

3) Spelling- corrections five times each.

* Please bring in an empty 2L bottle by Thursday.

April 16th

 Weekend Notes

* Please save an empty two liter bottle, with the cap, for a project next week.

* Reminder: No school next Friday, 4/23-Professional Day for teachers.

* Congratulations to David Urgiles and Tyler Vega, our new Students of the Week!

April 15th

 Homework # 101

1) Math- Text page 290 # 1-31

              - Test tomorrow Chapter 8

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 13

* Oral reports continue tomorrow.

April 14th

 Homework # 100

1) Math- WB page 104

             - Test Friday Chapter 8

2) English- WB page 83

* Oral Reports begin tomorrow.

* Please save an empty 2L bottle for next week.

April 13th

 Homework # 98

1) Math- WB page 102

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow (1-12)

2) Vocabulary- WB page 134

* Please save a 2L bottle for next week.

April 1st

 Easter Break Notes

* You may want to begin planning and practicing your oral report over the break.  Oral reports will be presented April 15th and April 16th.

* Congratulations to Mia Calderon and Camryn Martucci, our new Students of the Week!

* Wishing you and your families a blessed Easter!

                                                  " He is not here.  He is risen!"

                                                                  Luke 24:6

March 31st

 Homework # 97

1) Math- worksheet

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow

* Special NED program tomorrow!

March 30th

 Homework # 96

1) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 1-Lessons 1 & 2- (text pages 10-47)

           - Review sheets went home yesterday.

2) Math- WB page 101

3)  March Reading Logs due tomorrow

March 29th

 Homework # 95

1) Math- WB page 100

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) Science- worksheet

4) S.S.- Test Wednesday- Chapter 1-Lessons 1 & 2 (text pages 10-47).  Review sheets went home today.

March 26th

 Weekend Notes

* Please restock school supplies as needed.  

* Next week is a short(er) week.  We have a 12:00 dismissal on Holy Thursday, and there is no school on Good Friday.

* Congratulations to Mikayla Alger, our new Student of the Week!

March 25th

 Homework # 94

1) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 12

2) Math- WB page 98

3) English- WB page 79

* Please be sure to have three sharpened pencils each day.

March 24th

 Homework # 93

1) Math- WB page 97

2) Religion- Test Friday Chapter 12

3) English- WB page 77

4) Harry Potter Vocabulary Test tomorrow.  Review sheets went home yesterday.

March 23rd

 Homework # 92

1) Science- worksheet

2) Math- WB page 96

3) Harry Potter Vocabulary Test Thursday-Review sheets went home today.

4) Religion- Test Friday Chapter 12

March 22nd

 Homework # 91

1) Math- WB page 95

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Science- worksheet

3) Reading- Harry Potter Vocabulary Test on Thursday.

March 19th

 Weekend Notes

* Please show me your book choice for March if you haven't already.

* Congratulations to Rylend Wright and Luke Young, our new Students of the Week!

March 18th

 Homework # 90

1) Math- Text page 236 # 1-18

             - Test tomorrow Chapter Six ( text pages 206-233)

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 12

3) Finish your Works of Mercy cards.

* We will attend both the Stations of the Cross and Mass tomorrow in person.  Stations begin at 10:00 and Mass will begin at 11:00.

March 17th

 Homework # 89

1) Math- WB page 81

              - Test Friday Chapter 6

2) Reading- Please complete your final copy of your limerick.

3) Science- worksheet.

* Thank you to all for all of your goodies for our St. Patrick's Day celebration!  We certainly ate our "greens" today!  

March 16th

Homework  #88

1) Math- WB pg. 80
             - Test Friday Chapter 6

2) Vocabulary- WB pg.124

3) S.S.- Please print a picture of each:
            - The NJ state bird
            - The NJ state flower

* Tag Day tomorrow $2.00- Wear your green for St. Patrick's Day!

March 15th

 Homework # 87

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB page 79

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-12)

3) Vocabulary- WB page 122

March 12th

Weekend Notes

* Report cards went home today.  They are also available on your PowerSchool portal.

* Letters went home this week regarding our March book project.  Please check folders.

* Congratulations to Madeleine Amores and Cara Casey, our new Students of the Week!


March 11th

 Homework # 86

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) Math- WB page 77

             - Bring in two pictures of liquids tomorrow ( ex. a can of soda, an ocean, a waterfall, etc.)

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 10 ( text pages E6- E23)

March 10th

 Homework # 85

1) Science- worksheet

                - Test Friday Chapter 10 ( text pages E6- E23) .  Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB page 76

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 11

* Please bring in an empty water bottle with the cap tomorrow ( anything similar to the 12-16 fl oz size is fine)

March 9th

 Homework # 84

1) Math- WB page 75

             - Customary System quiz tomorrow ( text pages 206- 215)

2) Spelling - worksheet.  The copy machine was being repaired today.  Please print the worksheet from Google Classroom.

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 11

* Please bring in a piece of cardboard ( about 8 1/2 in x 11 in) for tomorrow.

* Letters went home today regarding our March book project.  Please check Homework Folders.

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow!

March 8th

 Homework # 83

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

2) Math- worksheet

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow 1-12 tables

             - Quiz on the Customary System on Wednesday.

3) S.S.- Please cover your NJ textbook.

* Grade Four visits the Book Fair tomorrow.

March 5th

 Weekend Notes

* The Fourth Grade will be celebrating Penance on Monday afternoon.  We will be reviewing the Act of Contrition.

* In school Book Fair begins on Monday.  We will be attending on Tuesday.  Cash, check, or E-Wallet will be accepted.

* Congratulations to Mikayla Alger, our new Student of the Week!

March 4th

 Homework # 82

1) Math- WB page 74

2) English- Test tomorrow Chapter 4 ( text pages 88-99).

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 11

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

* Tomorrow is also our Class Mass.  Unfortunately, because of occupancy restrictions, only students can attend this Mass.  Below is the link to join virtually via ZOOM if you are able.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 745 1900 5090
Passcode: qJKW03

March 3rd

 Homework # 81

1) English- WB page 64

                 - Test Friday Chapter 4 ( text pages 88-99)

2) Math- WB page 73

3) S.S- Complete your final copy of your "Fighting for Change" report.

* Please bring a flashlight in tomorrow.

* Current Events due Friday.

March 2nd

 Homework # 80

1) Science- worksheet

2) Math- WB page 72

3) Vocabulary- WB page 113

* Reading Logs due tomorrow

March 1st

 Homework # 79

1) Math- WB page 71

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow 1-12 tables

2) Vocabulary- WB page 112

3) S.S.- Please revise (in blue) and proofread ( in red) your report.

* Reading Logs due on Wednesday.

February 26th

* Weekend Notes*

 Current Events due Friday, March 5th 

Next Friday is the Fourth Grade Class Mass.  All are welcome to join the ZOOM viewing.  A link will be sent as it becomes available.

Congratulations to Makena Amores, our new Student of the Week!

February 25th

 Homework #78

1) English- WB page 62

2) Math- Text page 262 # 1-6

              - Test tomorrow Chapter 7 ( text pages 240-260)

3) S.S.- Draft copies should be completed

* Stations of the Cross tomorrow at 2:00

February 24th

 Homework # 77

1) S.S.- Test tomorrow- Chapter 5 ( text pages 126-146)

           - Know two facts for either President Grant, Hayes, or Garfield.

2) Math- WB page 94

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 10

February 23rd

 Homework # 76

1) S.S.- worksheet.  Choose one city in the Northeast region.  On the map side, locate and label the city.  On the opposite side, tell three interesting facts about that city.

           - Test Thursday Chapter 5 ( text pages 126-146)- Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB page 93

             - Test Friday

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 10

February 22nd

 Homework # 75

1) Math- WB page 92

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow 1-11 tables

2) S.S.- Please draft the first two paragraphs of your report

             - Test Thursday

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 10

February 12th

 Weekend Notes

* Letters went home yesterday regarding our Current Events for February.

* Enjoy your week off!  If you need to replace any school supplies-scissors, pencils, markers-this is a great time to shop.

* Congratulations to Portia Goett, our new Student of the Week!

February 11th

 Homework # 74

1) Math- WB page 90.  Please create a tree diagram for #1 & 2.

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 10

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter Eight- Lessons 1, 2, & 3 ( text pages D6- D35)

* "How- To" writing due tomorrow.

* Tag Day tomorrow!  $2.00  Wear some red, pink, or purple to celebrate Valentine's Day!

February 10th

 Homework # 73

1) English- WB page 58

Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 80-87)

2) Math- WB page 89

3) "How-To" writing MUST be handed in on Friday.

February 9th

 Homework # 72

1) Math- WB page 88

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow (1-10 tables)

2) Vocabulary- WB page103

3) English- Quiz Thursday ( text pages 80-87)

* If you haven't handed in your "How- To" writing, it MUST be submitted by Friday.

* Please bring your Harry Potter comprehension sheet to class tomorrow.

February 8th

 Homework # 71

1) Science- worksheet- only page 203.

2) Math- WB page 87

3) Vocabulary- WB page 102

* English- Quiz Thursday.  I will post the text pages on Google Classroom if you want to start your studying tonight.

February 5th

 Weekend Notes

* Another successful Catholic Schools Week has come and gone!  Thank you to all of our families for your help in creating memories for our class.  We appreciate your partnership!

* Don't forget to check out the Nifty Fifty photos on Google Classroom.

* Pizza lunch on Wednesday.

* Due to the short and unusual week, there is no Student of the Week this week.  Stay tuned for next week!

February 4th

 Homework # 70

1) Spelling- worksheet

                  - Test tomorrow 

* Cereal Bowl tomorrow!  You may wear any team jersey with your uniform skirt or pants.

* Log on to Google Classroom to check out scenes from Nifty Fifty.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

February 3rd

 Homework # 69

1) Math- WB page 86

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-9 tables)

* Nifty Fifty tomorrow!  Don't forget your poster and your food!

* Spelling Test Friday

January 29th

 Weekend Notes

* Here come Catholic Schools Week!  Monday is our Kindness Campaign.  Please bring your snack for your buddy.  If it should be a snow day, we will combine Harry Potter Day and the Kindness Campaign on Tuesday.

* Please check supplies.  You may need more pencils, Post-Its, or even scissors.

* Congratulations to Franco Poire, our new Student of the Week!

January 28th

 Homework # 67

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 9

2) English- WB page 56...not 75

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.

* Please bring in some rocks, twigs, leaves, etc. to add to your diorama.

**TOMORROW IS OUR CHIP-CHIP- HOORAY PARTY!  Our class has worked hard to fill our chip jar!  They have decided to celebrate with a pajama/electronics party.  Everyone can wear pjs (or sweats) to school and bring one electronic device-tablet, hand held game, etc.  They may also bring in one favorite stuffed animal or small blanket for their own use.  Ice cream will also be served!  

January 27th

 Homework # 66

1) Math- Text page 202 # 6-23

             - Test tomorrow Chapter 5

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 9

* Reading Logs due Friday.

* Please bring in your shoe box for tomorrow if you haven't already.

January 26th

 Homework #65

1) Vocabulary- WB page 93

2) Math- WB page 68

             - Test Thursday Chapter 5

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 9

* Please bring a shoe box in on Thursday.

January 25th

 Homework # 64

1) Math- WB page 67- even numbers only

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-8 tables)

              - Test Thursday

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB page 92

* Please bring a shoe box on Thursday.

January 22nd

 Weekend Notes

* MAP testing begins next week.  All students, both remote and in person, will be taking the tests.  Fourth Grade will take the first part on Tuesday.

* Snack buddy assignments went home today.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

* Please bring in a shoe box on Thursday. We will be working on on in class project.  I have a few extras if needed.

* Congratulations to Rosely Fernandez and Tyler Vega, our new Students of the Week!

January 21st

 Homework # 63

1) Math- WB page 65

            - Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 176-189)

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 4 ( text pages 104-119)

Last chance for our bonus:  Who is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court?

*  Letters went home regarding Catholic Schools Week activities for our class.  We will be choosing snack buddies tomorrow.

January 20th

 Homework # 62

1) Math- WB page 64

            - Quiz Friday ( text pages 176-189)

2) S.S. - Create a travel brochure for the Chesapeake Bay area.  You're trying to attract visitors to the area.

           - Test Friday Chapter Four.  Review sheets went home today.

* Three point bonus * Who is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court?

January 19th

 Homework # 61

1) Math- WB page 63

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow- 1-7 tables

2) Science- worksheet

3) S.S.- Test Friday Chapter Four ( text pages 104-119)

January 15th

 Weekend Notes

* Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School.

* Letters regarding our upcoming Nifty Fifty States Fair went home this week.  Please check folders.

* Congratulations to Charlotte Way, our new Student of the Week!

January 14th

 Homework # 60

1) English- Test tomorrow Chapter Three ( text pages 54-71)

2) Math- WB pg. 62 # 1-6

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 8

4) Choose two of your best poems to submit.  You may choose from: your nature poem, your alliteration poem, your concrete poem or your haiku.

* Polar Express Day is tomorrow- $4.00.  You may wear your pajamas to school.  If you paid your $4.00 before Christmas Break, you're all set!

January 13th

 Homework # 59

1) English- WB page 46

                 - Test Friday ( text pages 54-71)

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 8- Don't forget your Bible Verse!

3) Math- WB page 61

* Letters went home today regarding our Nifty Fifty state project.  Please check folders.

January 12th

 Homework #58

1) Math- WB page 60

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB page 83

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 8

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow!

January 11th

 Homework # 57

1) Math- WB page 59

            - Quick Quiz tomorrow (1-6 tables)

2) Vocabulary- WB page 82

* Moon Calendars due tomorrow.

January 8th

 Weekend Notes

* The Polar Express Pajama Day has been rescheduled to Friday, January 15th- $4.00.  If you paid for the original date, you are ready to go!

* Pizza Lunch Wednesday, January 13th.

* Congratulations to Edward Deyro, our new Student of the Week!

January 7th

 Homework # 56

1) Science- Text page C92 "Test Prep" section.  Please write the sentences.

                 - Test tomorrow Chapter 7 ( text pages C66- C89)

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.  We will attend Mass LIVE at 11:00.

January 6th

 Homework # 55

1) English- WB page 45

2) Math- WB page 58

            - Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 164-175)

3) Please complete your Abraham puppet.  I will be collecting them tomorrow.

January 5th

 Homework # 54

1) Spelling- worksheet

2) Math- WB page 57

            Quiz Thursday ( Text pages 164-175)

3) S.S.- worksheet

* Please return your personification stories tomorrow.

January 4th

 Homework # 53

1) Math- WB page 56

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-5 tables)

             - Quiz Thursday

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

* December Reading Logs due tomorrow

* Branch of Government Reports were graded and returned today.  Please sign and return tomorrow.