December 22nd

 Homework #52

1) Math- WB page 55

2) Complete your personification story.

* Branch of Government Reports due at 6:00 PM today.

* You may wear your favorite/ugliest Christmas sweater or shirt tomorrow.

December 21st

 Homework # 51

1) Math- WB page 54

2) Science- Add December 19th and 21st to your Moon Calendar.  You may use

* Branch of Government reports due tomorrow at 6:00 PM.  You may email them or "share" in Google Docs.

December 18th

 Weekend Notes

* Please drop off your tests and St. Joseph page in the brown bin by 6:00 tonight.  I will return your work to the same bin by Monday at 4:00.

* Branch of Government reports are due Tuesday, December 22nd.

*Congratulations to Charlotte Way and Rylend Wright, our new Students of the Week!

December 16th

 Homework # 50

1) Science- worksheet.  I'll post this in the Google Classroom stream.

2) English- WB page 42

3) S.S.- Continue revising and proofreading your report.

December 15th

 Homework # 49

1) Math- Text page 160 # 1-29

              - Test tomorrow Chapter 4 (text pages 126-158)

2) S.S.- Text page 85- Questions 4 & 5

           - Test Friday Chapter 3 ( text pages 66-85).  Review sheets were posted this morning.

** For tomorrow, please have:  a one foot piece of aluminum foil

                                                   2 rubber bands

                                                   2 paper towels

                                                   2 pieces of white tissue paper- if you don't have tissue paper, two paper                                                         .towels will do.

December 14th

 Homework # 48

1) Math- WB page 51

              - Test Wednesday Chapter 4 ( text pages 126-158)

2) Vocabulary- WB page 72

3) S.S.- Continue drafting your branch of government report

* For Wednesday, please have:  a piece of aluminum foil ( about 12 inches)

                                                    two rubber bands

                                                     a paper towel

                                                     two pieces of white tissue paper


December 11th

 Weekend Notes

* We will return to in class instruction on Thursday, December 17th.

* Letters regarding our upcoming branch of government report were sent to parents' emails.  Please let me know if you haven't received it.

* Congratulations to Mia Calderon & David Urgiles, our new Students of the Week!

December 10th

 Homework # 47

1) Math- WB page 50 #1-15 only.  Please do your work on a separate sheet of paper.

2) S.S.- Begin drafting your branch of government report.  Please have at least the first paragraph drafted by tomorrow.

* If you haven't sent a picture of your Religion Test, please do so by end of day.

December 9th

 Homework #46

1) Math- WB page 49- even numbers only

Here is the video to help you review:

2) English- WB page 39

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 5

December 8th

 Homework #45

1) Math- WB page 48- odd numbers only.

Here is a video to help you review:

2) Science- worksheet

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 5

* 3 point bonus for your test:  Email me a few sentences about Fr. Anthony's homily from today's Mass.


* 3 point bonus for your next S.S. test: Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

December 7th

 Homework #44

1) Math- WB page 47

           -Quick Quiz tomorrow (1-5 tables)

2) Science- worksheet

                  - Use to help with your Moon Calendar.

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 5

* Congratulations to Camryn Martucci, our new Student of the Week!

December 3rd

Homework #43

1) Science- worksheet

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 6

3) Please practice your Act of Contrition.  An examination of conscience along with the Act of Contrition went home today.

* The Sacrament of Reconciliation scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 has been postponed.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

December 2nd

Homework # 42

1) English- WB pg. 37

2) Math- WB pg. 45- You can omit  # 16-21.

Test tomorrow ( text pages 126-143)

* Biography projects due tomorrow.

December 1st

Homework # 41

1) Math- WB pg. 44

             - Test Thursday ( pages 126-143)

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 61

3) Biography Meet & Greet on Thursday.

November 30th

Homework #40

1) Math- WB pg. 43

              - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-4 tables)

               - Half Chapter Test on Thursday

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 60

3) Reading Logs due tomorrow

* Biography projects due Thursday.

November 25th

Weekend Notes

* Biography projects are due Thursday, November 3rd.

* How is your November Reading Log coming along?  This weekend is a great time to update it before it is due on Tuesday.

* Congratulations to Franco Poire, our new Student of the Week!

* Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving!  Relax and "count your blessings."

November 24th

Homework # 39

1) Math- WB pg. 42

2) English- Test tomorrow Chapter 2-Half Chapter ( text pages 40-49)

3) Finish your persuasive writing if you haven't already.

* Dismissal at 12:00 tomorrow.

* Our Biography Meet and Greet will now be held on Thursday, December 3rd.


**Here is the ZOOM link for tomorrow's Prayer Service:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 729 9215 7070
Passcode: 8JbDCR

November 23rd

Homework # 38

1) Math- WB pg. 41

             -Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-3 tables)

2) English- Test Wednesday- Chapter 2- Half chapter

                 - Sections 2.7- 2.11 ( Text pages 40-49)

3) Spelling- Use as many spelling words as you can in a paragraph.

* Our Biography due date has changed to Thursday, December 3rd*

November 20th

Weekend Notes

* Our SJS Book Fair is online this year.  It will begin on Monday, 11/23.  The link is posted below:


* Our Thanksgiving Prayer service is this Wednesday, 11/25.  Like most things, this year's service will be a bit different.  Only a few grades will be permitted in the church at one time.  The Fourth Grade will attend at 10:00 AM.

* 12:00 dismissal on Wednesday.

* Congratulations to Cara Casey, our Student of the Week!

November 19th

Homework # 37

1) English- WB pg. 31

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 6- Lessons 3 and 5 ( text pages C34-C39 and C54-C59)

* Culture Day tomorrow!

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow provided by the Casey Family.

November 18th

Homework # 36

1) Math- WB pg. 39

2) S.S.- Complete your immigration worksheet

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 4

4) Science- Test Friday- Review sheets went home on Tuesday.

* Pizza will be served to all Fourth Graders on Friday in honor of Culture Day !  Thank you Cara...and all of your Italian ancestors!

November 17th

Homework # 35

1) Spelling- Worksheet

2) S.S.- research and write down two facts about a country of your ancestry.

3) Math- WB pg. 38

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 4

* Culture Day on Friday.  Letters went home today with details.

November 16th

Homework # 34

1) Science- worksheet

2) Social Studies- Fill in your Family Tree worksheet

                           - Culture Day on Friday.  Details will go home tomorrow.

3) Math- WB pg. 37

             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( only 0 & 1 times tables)

Here is a video to help with tonight’s homework:

4) Spelling- Corrections five times each.

November 13th

Weekend Notes


* We will begin research for our branch of government report on Tuesday.  Please keep your outline paper in a safe place.

* Please show me your biography if you haven't already.

* Congratulations to Mikayla Alger, our new Student of the Week!

November 12th

Homework # 33

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 5

2) Math- Text page 122 # 1-20.

              - Test tomorrow Chapter Three ( text pages 96-119)

3) English- WB pg. 29

* Please show me your biography choice if you haven't already.

November 11th

Homework #32

1) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter Two ( text pages 38-59)

2) Math- WB pg. 34

              - Test Friday, Chapter Three

3) English- WB pg. 27

November 10th

Homework #31

1) Math- WB pg. 33

              - Test Friday Chapter 3

2) S.S.- Create your own passport using the worksheet given today

           - Test Thursday Chapter 2 ( text pages 38-59). Review sheets were sent home yesterday.

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 51

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow.


November 9th

Homework # 30

1) S.S.- worksheet

            - Test Thursday- Chapter Two- Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB pg. 32

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 50

* Please check Homework Folders for a letter regarding our next book project.



November 6th

Weekend Notes

* November is a biography month.  Please select a biography and show it to me next week.  A letter explaining the project will be sent home next week.

* Pizza lunch on Wednesday, 11/11.

* Congratulations to Portia Goett, our new Student of the Week!

November 5th

Homework # 29

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 31

               Half Chapter Test tomorrow ( text pages 96-109)

* Fossils are due tomorrow.

* Trunk of Treat tomorrow!  You may wear any combination of orange, purple, or black.

November 4th

Wednesday's Notes

* English Test tomorrow- Text pages 28-37 & Page 40 (collective nouns)

* Fossils are due on Friday.

* Math- Test Friday- Half Chapter (text pages 96-109)

* November will be a biography month.  Please choose a biography and show me your selection.

November 2nd

Homework # 28

1) S.S.- Watch ten minutes of election news tomorrow night.

           - Using the map from class, fill in the number of electoral votes from each state on your scoresheet.

2) English- Half Chapter Test Thursday- Text pages 28-37

3) Math- Half Chapter Test Friday- Text pages 96-109

* No school tomorrow for Election Day.

* Parent/ Teacher Conferences Wednesday.  No school for students.


October 30th

Weekend Notes

* Monday is All Souls Day.  We will be celebrating Mass via ZOOM at 11:00.  There is a 12:00 dismissal.

* Parent- Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, 11/4.  Reminder notices went home Wednesday.  There is no school for students on Wednesday.

* Fossil projects are due next Friday, 11/6.

* Congratulations to Makena Amores, our new Student of the Week!

October 29th

Homework #27

1) Math- WB pg. 30

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 4

3) Final copies of your Halloween stories are due tomorrow.

4) Reading Logs due tomorrow.

* Tomorrow we will be celebrating Halloween! 

 If you are going home for lunch, students will be dismissed from our regular dismissal door at 11:45.  Please return to school, in costume, by 1:00.

If you are staying in school for lunch, please bring your costume to school in a bag.  You will have time to change into your costume during lunch.

October 28th

Homework # 26

1) Math- WB pg. 29

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 41

3) S.S.- On construction paper, create a newspaper cover to show the day of the Louisiana Purchase.  Please include a headline and an illustration.

October 26th

Homework # 25

1) Math- WB pg. 27

2) S.S.- Choose one explorer from your text book.  Find three facts about him.

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 40

* Current Events due Thursday.

**No school tomorrow, 10/27**

October 23rd

Weekend Notes

* No school Tuesday, 10/27

* Current Events is due Thursday, 10/29

* Congratulations to Rosely Fernandez, our new Student of the Week!

October 22nd

Homework #23

1) Math- WB pg. 25

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 1 ( text pages 10-31) .  Use your REVIEW SHEET for most of your studying.  Don't forget your Presidential Facts.

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

October 21st

Homework #23

1) Science- worksheet

2) English- WB pg. 23

3) S.S- Test Friday Chapter 1- text pages 10-31.

October 20th

Homework # 22

1) Spelling- Choose five Spelling words and write a sentence for each.

2) Math- Text page 92 # 1-17

              - Test tomorrow Chapter Two

              - On page 87, #2 will be a 3 point bonus question.  Please complete it on loose leaf if you're interested.

3) S.S. - Test Friday.  Review sheets went home today.

* Please bring in old magazines tomorrow.

October 19th

Homework # 21

1) Math- WB. pg. 23.  Please show your work on loose leaf.

             - Test Wednesday Chapter 2

2) S.S.- Use  the internet to find five natural resources from NJ.

3) Spelling- corrections five times each.

October 16th

Weekend Notes

* Handbag Bingo is this Sunday at 2:00 PM

* Congratulations to Maddy Amores and Tyler Vega, our new Student(s) of the Week!

October 15th

 Homework # 20

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 5 ( text pages C4- C29)

2) Math- WB pg. 22

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 3

October 14th

Homework # 19

1) Social Studies- worksheet- Use your textbook for help.

2) Math- WB pg. 21

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 31

October 13th

Homework #18

1) Math- WB pg. 20

2) Science- worksheet

                 -Test Friday- Review sheets went home today.

* Letters were sent home regarding our Fossil Project and our Current Events for October.  Please check Homework Folders.

* Pizza lunch tomorrow 

October 12th

 Homework #17

1) Math-WB pg.19

2) Vocabulary- WB pg.30

*Please sign and return Monday's Memos 

October 9th

Weekend Notes

* Monday is Columbus Day-12:00 dismissal

* Wednesday, October 14th, is our first Pizza Lunch.  No need to bring lunch if you filled out a pizza order form in September.

* Congratulations to Luke Young, our new Student of the Week!

October 8th

Homework # 16

1) English- Test tomorrow Chapter 1 ( text pages 2-23)

2) Math- WB pg. 17

* Book Projects due tomorrow.

October 7th

Homework # 15


1) English- WB pg. 14

                 - Test Friday Chapter 1

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 2

3) Math- WB pg. 16

October 6th

Homework # 14


1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 15

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 2

October 5th

Homework # 13


1) Math- WB pg. 14

2) English- WB pg. 13

                 - Test Friday Chapter 1

3) Religion- Finish your Beatitudes Booklet

* Please bring in Rosary Beads tomorrow.

* Only if you have some at home, bring in Play Doh tomorrow.

* Monday's Memos went home today.  Please sign and return.

October 2nd

Weekend Notes

* Book Projects are due next Friday, 10/9.

* October will be a Current Events month.  Letters will go home next week with details.

* Congratulations to Edward Deyro, our new Student of the Week!

October 1st

Homework # 12


1) Math- Text page 64 # 1-15

              - Test tomorrow Chapter 1

2) English- WB pg. 12

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 2


*12:00 Dismissal tomorrow.

* Tomorrow is our first Breakfast Club!  A small breakfast will be provided as we discuss our favorite books!

September 30th

Homework # 11


1) Math- WB pg. 12

               - Test Friday Chapter 1

2) Social Studies- Test tomorrow ( Text pages H12-H21)

                               Review sheets went home on Monday.

3) English- WB pg. 11



September 29th

Homework # 10


1) Science- Complete your Rock Cycle diagram.

2) Math- WB pg. 11

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 23


* Reading Logs due tomorrow

September 28th

Homework # 9


1) Math- Worksheet

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 20

3) S.S.- Test Thursday- Review sheets went home today.


* Please return Monday's Memos signed tomorrow.

September 25th

Weekend Notes


* Reading Logs will be due this Wednesday the 30th.

* Our September book project ( the book jacket) is due October 9th.

* Congratulations to Camryn Martucci, our new Student of the Week!

September 25th

Homework # 8

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) English- WB pg. 9

* Please continue to record your independent reading in your Reading Log.  They will be collected next week.

September 23rd

Homework # 7


1) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 1.  Know your Bible verse for the test.

2) Math- WB pg. 8

              Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 36-49)

3) Spelling- Test Friday



September 22nd

Homework # 6


1) Math- WB pg. 7

             - Quiz Thursday ( text pages 36-49)


2) Spelling- Worksheet


3) Science- Worksheet # 1-4 and 8-11 only.  Use your textbook for help.


4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 1


* Gym tomorrow- you do not have to bring in your yoga mats tomorrow.

* Please return your signed Monday's Memos folder if you haven't already.

September 21st

 Homework #5

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

2) Math- WB pg. 6

              - Half chapter quiz on Thursday

3) Summer stories due tomorrow.

September 18th

 Weekend Notes

Thanks to all for your attendance, either in person or online, at last night's meeting.  Feel free to email or call if there are questions.  

Please bring three sharpened pencils to school each day.

Congratulations to Mia Calderon, our Student of the Week!!

September 17th

Homework #4

1) Math- Worksheet

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 1

3) English- WB pg. 6


*Back to School Night is at 7:00. If you prefer to participate via ZOOM, an invitation will be sent to your email. Simply click the link to join.

September 16th

Homework # 3

1) Math- WB pg. 4

2) English- WB pg. 5

3) Vocabulary- Test Friday, Unit 1

* Tomorrow night is Back to School Night.  Kindly report to our classroom at 7:00 PM.

* Letters went home today regarding our September Book Project.  Please check Homework Folders.
Homework # 2

1) Math- WB pg. 3

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 11

                      - Test Friday Unit 1

* Tomorrow is Picture Day.  You may wear your outfit of choice.  Please return your order envelope if you haven't already.

* Thursday is Back to School Night.  Please report to our Fourth Grade classroom at 7:00.  Letters went home today with details.

September 14th

Homework #1

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 10

2) Math- WB pg.1

*Please bring in two rocks for tomorrow.

* This Wednesday, September 16th, is individual picture day.  Order forms went home today.  Please check homework folders.

* Thursday is Back to School Night at 7:00.  Only one parent may be present for social distancing purposes.

September 11th

Weekend Notes

English textbooks and workbooks went home today.  Please cover over the weekend, and return all books on Monday so they're ready to go.

Monday begins our full days.  Please bring your lunch and a snack for morning recess.

Looking ahead:  Individual pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 16th.  Students may wear your choice of clothing.  Order envelopes will be brought home on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

September 10th

Social Studies texts and Religion workbooks went home today.

Please cover the textbook with paper, but the workbook may be covered with contact paper or a book sock.

Mass tomorrow at 11:00. Fourth Graders will participate via ZOOM.

12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

September 9th

Happy First Day!

Welcome to our Blog and our classroom.

Science and Math textbooks were distributed today, along with our Vocabulary and Math workbooks.

 Textbooks should be covered with paper- brown shopping bag type works best. Please do not use contact paper or book socks on the textbooks. You may use contact paper, book socks, or brown paper to cover workbooks as they are yours to keep. Inserting a piece of cardboard to the front and back covers help to prevent covers from falling off.

Tomorrow's hours are from 8:00- 12:00

June 15th

Last Day's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20- 8:40- AM Drill

8:45- 10:00- End of Year Celebration (ZOOM here)

10:00- 10:25 RECESS

10:30-10:55-Mini Mystery with Doug

11:00- 12:00- Closing Prayer Service

June 12th

Friday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:15- Reading

9:15- 10:00- Math ( ZOOM here)

10:00- 10:25 Recess

10:25-10:35- Mini Mystery with Doug

10:35-11:00- Spanish

11:00- 12:00- Science

June 11th

Thursday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection


8:30- 9:00- Step- Up Day

9:15- 10:00- Science

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:45- Art

10:45- 12:00- Math (Zoom here)

June 10th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:55- English (ZOOM here)

10:55-11:45- Science

11:45-12:30 LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

June 9th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 10:55- Vocabulary

11:00- 11:45- Science (ZOOM here)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

June 8th

Monday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20  Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:30- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:40- 10:00- Vocabulary

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- English

11:05-11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

June 5th

Friday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:15 Reading

9:15-10:00- Math

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:35- Spelling

10:35-10:55- Spanish

10:55-12:00 Graduation Mass ( The link will post under Religion)

June 4th

Thursday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:30- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05 Art

11:05-11:45- Science

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30 Religion

June 3rd

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20-8:30 AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:55- English

10:55- 11:45- Science (ZOOM is available if needed)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

June 2nd

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:00-9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40-10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- Spelling

11:00- 11:45- Science (ZOOM here)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math  (ZOOM here)

1:45-2:30 Religion

June 1st

Monday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- English

11:05- 11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 29th

Friday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30-AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Vocabulary Test

9:00-9:30-Math (ZOOM here)

9:30- 10:00- English Test

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:35- Check Math work

10:35-11:00- Spanish

11:00- 11:15- Perseverance  video (It's under Reading)

11:15-11:55- Prayer Partners (ZOOM here)

May 28th

Thursday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00 English

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- Art

11:05-11:45- Science  (ZOOM here)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 27th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00-9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00 Vocabulary

11:00- 11:45- Science  (ZOOM here)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 26th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:35- AM Drill

8:35- 9:00- Reading ( ZOOM here)

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- Vocabulary

11:00- 11:45- Science  (ZOOM here)

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 22nd

Friday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:15 Reading

9:15-9:30- Spelling

9:30-10:00- Religion

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 10:35- Memorial Day video ( It is under S.S. )

10:35-11:00- Spanish

11:00- 11:50 Math (ZOOM here)

May 21st

Thursday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:35- AM Drill

8:35- 9:30- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- Art

11:05- 11:45-S.S.

11:45-12:30- Lunch

12:30- 1:00- Math ( ZOOM here)

1:00-1:30- Mystery Science Live! ( The link is under Science)

1:30-2:30- Math Project ( The directions are under Math)

May 20th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- English

11:00- 11:45- Social Studies

11:45- 12:30 LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 19th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading

9:00-9:40- Computer/Library

9:40-10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS


11:00-11:45-Social Studies

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45-Math (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30- Religion (ZOOM here)

May 18th

Monday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20- 8:30 AM Drill

8:30-9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling (ZOOM here)

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- English

11:05-11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45-2:30- Religion

May 15th

Friday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30 AM Drill

8:30- 9:05- Reading

9:05- 9:35-Vocabulary

9:35-10:00- English

10:00-10:25 RECESS

10:25-11:05- Social Studies (ZOOM here)

11:05-11:45- Spanish

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:30 Math

1:30-2:00- Religion

2:00-2:30- Meeting w/ Ms. Javier ( ZOOM here)

May 14th

Thursday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:30- Reading ( ZOOM here)

9:30- 10:00- Vocabulary (ZOOM here)

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- Art

11:05- 11:45- Social Studies

11:45-12:30 LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

May 13th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- English

11:00-11:45- Science  (ZOOM here)

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:30- Math ( ZOOM here)

1:30- 2:30- Religion

May 12th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading

9:00-9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 10:55- Vocabulary

10:55- 11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math( ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30-Religion (ZOOM here)

May 11th

Monday's Schedule

8:10-8:30- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30-10:00- Vocabulary

10:00-10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- English

11:05- 11:45- GYM

11:45- 12:30 - LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math  (ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30 Religion

May 8th

Friday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill


May 7th

Thursday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:40 AM Drill

8:40-9:30- Craft

9:30-10:00- Spelling

10:00-10:25- RECESS


11:05- 11:45- Science

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45-2:30- Religion

May 6th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Card

10:00-10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- English

11:00- 11:45- Social Studies

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math  ( ZOOM here)

1:45- 2:30 -Religion

May 5th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:10- 8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading (ZOOM here)

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- Recess

10:25-11:00- Spelling

11:00- 11:45- Social Studies

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45-2:30- Religion

May 4th

Monday's Schedule...May the "fourth" be with you

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:30-9:30- Reading (ZOOM at 9:00)

9:30- 10:00-Spelling

10:00-10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- English

11:05- 11:45-Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45- Math (ZOOM here)

1:45-2:30- Religion

May 1st

Friday's Schedule

8:10-8:25- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:25-9:00- Vocabulary Test

9:00-10:00- Math (ZOOM here)

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:55- Reading

10:55-11:45- MASS

11:45-12:00- View Oral Reports

April 30th

Thursday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:30-9:30- Reading

9:30-10:00- Vocabulary

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:05- Art

11:05-11:45-Social Studies


12:30- 1:30- Math ( ZOOM here)


2:00-2:30- ZOOM with Ms. Javier

April 29th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:20- 8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00 Finish Reading

10:00-10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- English

11:00-11:45- Science

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30-2:30- Religion (ZOOM here)

April 28th

Tuesday's Notes

8:10-8:20- Morning Prayer/Reflection

8:20-8:30- AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading ( ZOOM here)

9:00-9:40- Computer/Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- Vocabulary

11:00-11:45- Science  (ZOOM here)

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:45- Math

1:45-2:30- Religion

April 27th

Monday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30-9:40- Reading (ZOOM at 9:00)

10:05-10:30- RECESS

10:30-11:05- English

11:05-11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:30- Math ( ZOOM 12:30)

1:30-2:00- Vocabulary

2:00- 2:30- Religion

April 24th

Friday's Schedule

8:00-8:15- Morning Prayer and AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading

9:00-9:45- English

9:45-10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- Science

11:05- 11:45- Spanish


12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30-2:00-Religion- Gospel Reading

2:00- 2:30- Zoom with Mrs. Javier

April 23rd

Thursday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Harry Potter Test and reading time

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- Art

11:05- 11:45- Science

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

April 22nd

Wednesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer & AM Drill

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- English

11:00- 11:45- S.S.

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:15- Math

1:15-2:00- Religion

2:00- 2:30- Science (Earth Day)

April 21st

Tuesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer and AM Drill

8:30-9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Reading

10:00-10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- Spelling

11:00- 11:45- S.S.

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:30- Math

1:30-2:30- Religion

April 20th

Monday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Greeting and Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- English

11:00- 11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30 LUNCH

12:30- 1:30 Math

1:30-2:30- Religion

April 9th

Thursday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30-9:10- Reading

9:10- 9:35- Art

9:35- 10:00- Vocabulary Test

10:00- 10:25- RECESS!

10:30- 11:15- Religion

11:15- 12:00 Math

* We will ZOOM at 10:30 for Religion.*

April 8th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:30 Mass

9:30-10:00 Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:50- Reading

10:50- 11:15- Vocabulary

11:15- 11:45- S.S.

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:15- Math

1:15- 2:00- Religion

2:00- 2:30- ZOOM with Ms. Javier

April 7th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- Vocabulary

11:00-11:45- Social Studies

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:00- Math

1:00- 1:25- Live with Doug

1:25- 1:50 - Math

1:50- 2:30- Religion

* We will ZOOM twice.  Once at 11:00 for S.S., and again at 12:30 for Math.

April 6th

Monday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30-9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Vocabulary

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:30- 11:05- English

11:05- 11:45- GYM

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30-2:30- Religion

* ZOOM meeting today at 12:30.

Friday, April 3rd

Friday's Schedule- Half Day Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:10- Reading

9:10- 9:30- Spelling

9:30- 9:55- RECESS!

10:00-10:45- Mass

10:45- 11:30- Math

11:30- 12:00- Stations of the Cross

12:00-Dismissal!  Happy Weekend!

April 2nd

Thursday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- Art

11:05- 11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30-1:30- Math

1:30- 2:00- Religion

2:00- 2:30- ZOOM with Ms. Javier

* We'll ZOOM for math at 12:30

April 1st

Wednesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:00 Reading

9:00- 9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-10:55- English

10:55-11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45-2:30- Religion

March 31st

Tuesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:00- Spelling

11:00-11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

* We'll ZOOM at 12:30 for Math today.

March 30th

Monday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25- 11:05- English

11:05- 11:45- Gym

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45 Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

March 27th

Friday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:00- Vocabulary Test- It will post under "vocabulary"

9:00- 9:30- Scholastic News

9:30- 10:00- ZOOM with Ms. Javier- Her information is under Reading

10:00- 10:30- RECESS

10:30- 11:05- Social Studies

11:05:11:45- Spanish

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:00- Math

1:00-1;15 Papal Blessing ( see note "Important for Families" from this morning)

1:15-1:45 Finish Math

1:45- 2:15 Religion

2:15- 2:30- Stations of the Cross

* We'll ZOOM at 12:30 for Math

March 26th

Thursday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00-Vocabulary

10:00- 10:25- RECESS

10:25-11:00- Art

11:00- 11:45- Science

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30-12:45- Finish Science

12:45- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

* We'll meet at 11:00 for a ZOOM conference.  Have a blank piece of paper with you when we start.

March 25th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer/ Reflection

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00-9:40- Music

9:40- 10:00-  Finish Reading

10:00-10:25- Recess

10:30-11:00- English

11:00- 11:45 Social Studies .

11:45-12:30 - Lunch

12:30- 12:45- Finish S S

12:45- 1:45- Math

1:45- 2:30- Religion

* Our ZOOM conference will be at 11:00 for Social Studies

March 24th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer and Reflection

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40-Computer/ Library

9:40- 10:00  Finish Reading

10:00- 10:30- Recess!

10:30- 11:20 Social Studies

11:20- 11:45- Vocabulary

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH!

12:30- 1:15 Math

1:15- 1:45- Vocabulary

1:45- 2:30 Religion

* We will be meeting over ZOOM at 10:30 today.

March 23

Monday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Video & Morning Prayer

8:30- 9:15- Reading

9:15- 10:00- Vocabulary

10:00-10:25 Recess

10:30- 11:05- English

11:05- 11:45- Gym

11:45-12:30- LUNCH

12:30- 1:45- Math

1:45-2:30- Religion

* We have a ZOOM video conference scheduled for 12:45 today.

Homework #92

1) English- Test Wednesday.  Please print today's text pages to study for the test.

2) Math- WB pg. 116

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 122

*  All pages with instructions are available on Google Classroom

March 20th

Weekend Notes

Happy Weekend Everyone!  We made it through Week One!

Some weekend notes:

* Beginning Monday, Google Classroom assignments will post on a rolling schedule rather that all at once in the morning.

* I have reached out to students who have missing assignments.  Please submit by Monday if you were notified.

* Special announcement about Sunday's Mass:

March 19

Thursday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Greeting & Reflection
                 - Please take note of our video conference at 12:30-instructions are posted.

8:30-9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- Spelling

10:00- 10:25- Recess

10:25- 11:05- Art ( Ms. Nuvola's blog)

11:05- 11:45- Social Studies

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH!

12:30- 1:30 Math

1:30- 2:30- Religion

* Homework will be posted here and in Google Classroom

Homework # 91

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow- We will be testing online.
2) Math- WB pg. 115
3) Please keep reading your book for your March book project.

March 18th

Wednesday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Prayer

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00-9:40 Music ( Ms. Z's Blog)

9:40- 10:00- Finish Reading

10:00-10:25- Recess

10:25- 11:00- English

11:00- 11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- Lunch

12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30- 2:30- Religion

* If you don't have enough time to finish an assignment for one class, you may go back to complete it later.

* Also, staple or clip each day's papers together.  This will keep your work organized and easy to locate when we get back to school.

Homework # 90- both pages are available in the Homework section of the Classwork page.  Please take pictures of both and email them to me.

1) Math- WB pg.114
2) English - WB pg. 87

March 17th

Tuesday's Schedule

8:15-8:30- Morning Reflection/ Prayer

8:30- 9:00- Reading

9:00- 9:40- Computer/Library- See Ms. Brewer's Blog

9:40-10:00- Finish Reading

10:00- 10:25- RECESS!

10:25- 10:45- Spelling

10:45- 11:45- Science

11:45- 12:30- LUNCH!

12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30- 2:30- Religion

Homework # 89

*Homework pages are on Google Classroom.  They are the last subject on the page.  Please take pictures of both pages when you're finished and email to my school account.

1) Math- WB pg. 113

2) Spelling- WB pg. 74

March 16th

Monday's Schedule

8:15- 8:30- Morning Reflection

8:30- 9:30- Reading

9:30- 10:00- English

10:00- 10:25- Recess Break!

10:25-11:05- Spelling

11:05- 11:45- Gym ( Mrs. McFadden's Page)

11:45- 12:30 - Lunch

12:30- 1:30- Math

1:30- 2:30- Religion

Homework # 88

1) English- WB pg. 86 (

2) Math- WB pg. 112

These pages will be found in a homework folder after Religion in today's assignments on Google Classroom.

* Notes for tomorrow:

Unless it is private, try to post your questions through the class comments.  We always raise our hands in class, and mostly ask in front of everyone.  We're all learning together.  I don't want to miss a question because I can't get to it right away.

* Same rules as today for tomorrow!  I will post the morning schedule on the blog.  Please check the schedule!  The assignments will appear on Google Classroom.  Great job today!!

March 13th

Weekend Notes

* A letter was sent home today regarding next week's plans.  Please check backpacks.

* Additional Math and Science textbooks went home as well.  These can remain at home until our situation settles.

* Congratulations to Kelly Tsamas, our new Student of the Week!

March 12th

Homework #87

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 10 ( text pages E6- E23)

2) Math- WB pg. 110

Here is a video if you need a review:

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 11

* Tag Day tomorrow- $2.00- Wear green for St. Patrick's Day!

March 11th

Homework# 86

1) English- WB pg. 85

2) Math- WB pg. 109

3) Science- Test Friday Chapter 10- Lessons 1 & 2

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 11

* Only if you have it at home, please bring in Play Doh

March 10th

Homework # 85

1) Science- Text page E23, do # 2 & 3

2) Math- WB pg. 108

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 114

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 11

* Please bring in an empty water bottle tomorrow.

* A Honeywell alert went out today at 12:00.  Please respond to the survey within 24 hours.

* Mathtastic for Grade Three is cancelled for tomorrow.  A makeup day will be announced.

March 9th

Homework # 84

1) Math- WB pg. 107
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 112

3) English- WB pg. 84

* Please bring in an empty water bottle by Wednesday.

March 6th

Weekend Notes

* Fourth Grade will attend a Penance Service on Monday.

* Notices went home yesterday regarding March's book selection and project.  Please check homework folders.

* Congratulations to Sophia Potter, our new Student of the Week!

March 5th

Homework # 83

1) English- Text page 140 & 141- Sections 5.8 through 5.11.  Answers only
                 - Test tomorrow -Chapter 5 -half chapter- Text pages 266-292

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* Current Events due tomorrow

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow

March 4th

Homework # 82

1) Math- Text page 292 # 1-19
             - Test tomorrow Chapter 8

2) English- WB pg. 83
                 - Test Friday ( text pages 106-121)

3) Spelling- worksheet
                  - Test Friday

* Current Events due Friday.

March 3rd

Tuesday's Notes

* There is no written homework thanks to the declaration of Principal Santos!!!  All hail Principal Santos!

* Math Test Thursday Chapter 8

* Spelling and English Tests Friday

* Please remember your "natural" pieces for you diorama ( twigs, stones, leaves, etc.)

March 2nd

Homework # 81

1) Math- WB pg. 104
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) English- WB pg. 82

* Please bring in some "natural" pieces ( twigs, leaves, rocks, pebbles) for your Narragansett dioramas by Wednesday.

February 28th

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due Friday, March 6th.

* Congratulations to Julia Brignola and Jenna Kurian, our new Students of the Week!

* As coronavirus continues to affect our global population, information and updates change daily.  Please refer to the following links regarding the disease:

Center for Disease Control

Bergen County Department of Health

NJ Department of Health 


February 27th

Homework # 80

1) Math- worksheet

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 10

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 10

* Please bring in a shoebox tomorrow.

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.

February 26th

Homework # 79

1) Math- WB pg. 103
             - Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 266-283)

2) Religion- Test Friday Chapter 10

3) English- WB pg. 79

* Please bring in a flashlight tomorrow.

* Only if you have one at home, please bring in a shoebox on Friday.

February 25th

Homework # 78

1) S.S.- worksheet- use your text book

2) Math- WB pg. 102
             -Quiz Thursday ( text pages 266-283)

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 103

* If you have an extra at home, please bring in a shoebox by Friday.

February 24th

Homework # 77

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 102

2) English- WB pg. 77

3) Math- WB pg. 101 # 1-16 then #17-39 odd only
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow 1-12

* Fourth Grade Mathtastic is postponed until Wednesday, March 4th

February 14th

Weekend Notes

* Letters went home today regarding February's Current Events assignment.

* Please continue to fill in your Reading Log over our break.

* Congratulations to Reagan Hunt, our new Student of the Week!

February 13th

Homework # 76

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 9- Lesson 6

2) Math- WB pg. 99

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* Tag Day tomorrow- Wear red or pink for Valentine's Day!- $2.00

February 12th

Homework # 75

1) Math- WB pg. 98

2) Science- Define:  humidity and air pressure
                 - Test Friday Lesson 9- Chapter 6 only

* Science MAP testing tomorrow.

February 11th

Homework # 74

1) Spelling- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 97

3) Science- worksheet -both sides

* February's book selection is free choice.  Please show me what you've chosen.

February 10th

Homework # 73

1) Math- WB pg. 96
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) English- WB pg. 75

3) Spelling- corrections five times each

February 7th

Weekend Notes

* February will be a Current Events month.  The topic will be international news.  Details and due date will go home next week.

* Congratulations to Ava Cifelli, our new Student of the Week!

February 6th

Homework # 72

1) Math- WB pg. 95

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter Three ( text pages 66-87)
           - Know two facts for President Hayes, Garfield, or Cleveland

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 9

* Book reports due tomorrow.

* The Fourth Grade Mass is tomorrow.  All are welcome to join us!

February 5th

Homework # 71

1) S.S.- worksheet
           - Test Friday Chapter 3 ( review sheets went home today)

2) English- WB pg. 74

3) Vocabulary- Test Friday

* Book reports due Friday

February 3rd

Homework # 69

1) Math- WB pg. 92
              - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-12 tables)
               - Test Wednesday Chapter 7

2) English- WB pg. 73

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 92

* Book reports due Friday.

January 31st

Weekend Notes

* A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of our parents for making this week run so smoothly.  From bringing a buddy's snack to helping with the Nifty Fifty project, and all the blue and gold and Harry Potter things in between, you truly helped in making a special week.

* Congratulations to Margaret Quigley, our new Student of the Week!

January 30th

Thursday's Notes

1) Reading Logs due tomorrow.

2) English- Test tomorrow Chapter Four ( text pages 80- 101)

* Nifty Fifty tomorrow!  Please email your final Power Point by 8:00 tonight.  If you needed to make corrections, they are written in your assignment pad AND I emailed the suggestions to you.

January 29th

Homework # 68

1) Math- WB pg. 91

2) English- WB pg. 58
                  - Test Friday Chapter 4

* Spirit Day tomorrow!   Come decked out in blue and gold!  Blue and/or gold shirts should be worn over your uniform.

January 28th

Homework # 67

1) Math- WB pg. 90

2) English- Test Friday Chapter 4

* Super Bowl Day tomorrow!  You may wear a team jersey or shirt over your uniform.

January 27th

Homework # 66

1) English- WB pg. 64
                 - Test Friday Chapter 4

2) Math- WB pg. 89
              - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-11 tables)

* Please bring in a piece of cardboard tomorrow- approximately 10 in x14 in .  Any type of cardboard is fine.

* Harry Potter Day tomorrow!  Please bring your copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  You may come to school dressed as your favorite Harry Potter character.

January 24th

Weekend Notes

* Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday.  Please refer to the letter that was sent home last week regarding Fourth Grade events. 

* Don't forget your buddy's snack on Monday.

* Congratulations to Anashe Nyambauro, our new Student of the Week!

January 23rd

Homework # 65

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 8-Lessons 1, 2, & 3 ( text pages D6- D35)

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow

3) Math- WB pg. 87

* Reminder: Buddy snacks are to be brought in on Monday.

January 22nd

Homework # 64

1) Spelling- worksheet

2) Science- Text page D35- Questions # 1 & 3-  Please restate the question in your answer.
                  - Test Friday

3) Math- WB pg. 86

* Please complete your final copy of your "Greatest Moment" story.

* MAP Testing tomorrow.  We will be working on Reading.

January 21st

Homework # 63

1) Science- worksheet
                 - Test Friday Chapter 8- Lessons 1, 2, & 3.  Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB pg. 85
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1- 10 tables)

3) Spelling- Corrections five times each

* Students selected "snack buddies" for Monday's Kindness Campaign today.  Please check folders for your buddy's name and snack preferences.

* Congratulations to Riley Martucci, our new Student of the Week!

January 16th

Homework # 62

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 8

2) Math- Do Text pg. 202 # 1-23
              - Test tomorrow Chapter 5

January 15th

Homework #61

1) Math- WB pg. 68
            - Test Friday Chapter 5

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 8

3) English- WB pg. 60

January 14th

Homework # 60

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 84

2) Math- WB pg. 67 ( even numbers only)
             - Test Friday Chapter 5

Here is a video to help with tonight’s work:

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 8

* PTO meeting tonight at 7:30

January 13th

Homework # 59

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 82

2) English- WB pg. 59

3) Math- WB pg. 66
              - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-9 tables)

January 10th

Weekend Notes

* January's book selection will be historical fiction.  If you haven't shown me what you've chosen, please bring it in next week.

*Please return your technology agreement by Monday.

* Congratulations to Kelly Tsamas, our new Student of the Week!

January 9th

Homework # 58

1) S.S.- Text page 71.  Do questions 2, 3, & 4.  Please restate the question in your answer.

2) Math- WB pg. 63

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* Girl Scout meeting tomorrow until 4:00 PM.

January 8th

Homework # 57

1) Math- WB pg. 62
             - Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 176-185)

2) English- WB pg. 57

3) Spelling- Test Friday

January 7th

Homework # 56

1) Math- WB pg. 61
             - Quiz Thursday ( text pages 176-185)

2) Science- worksheet

3) Spelling- worksheet

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow!

* Letters went home yesterday regarding our Nifty Fifty States Fair.  Please check homework folders.

January 6th

Homework # 55

1) Math- WB pg. 60
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-8 tables)

Here is a video to help with long division:

2) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

3) English- WB pg. 56

4) Religion- Finish your Abraham or Moses puppet.  Be sure to write three facts about them on the back.

* Girl Scout meeting on Friday until 4:00PM

January 3rd

Weekend Notes

* January's book selection is historical fiction.  Please show me your books once they are chosen.

* Wednesday, 1/8 is Pizza Lunch.

January 2nd

Homework # 54

1) English- WB pg. 55

2) Math- WB pg. 56

* Reading Logs due tomorrow, 1/3

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow