September 28th

Homework # 12

1) Math- WB pg. 14

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 2

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow- Geography ( text pages H12-H21)
           - Study your review sheet and know two Presidential Facts.

4) L.A.- WB pg. 7

September 27th

Homework # 11

1) Science- worksheet- pg. 123

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 21
                       - Test Friday Unit 2

3) S.S.- Test Friday ( text pages H12-H21)

4) L.A.- WB pg. 6

September 26th

Homework #10

1) Science- worksheet- Pg. 124 only

2) Math- Text pg. 64 # 1-15
             - Test tomorrow Chapter 1

3) S.S- Test Friday-Review sheets went home today.

September 25th

Homework # 9

1) Math- WB pg. 11
             - Test Wednesday, Chapter 1

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 20

3) L.A.- Test tomorrow

* Bring in Play Doh tomorrow only if you have it already at home.

September 22nd

Weekend Notes

* Book Projects are due in two weeks- Friday 10/6

* Scholastic Book Orders went home today.  If you decide to order books, please return orders by Thursday, 10/5.

* Congratulations to Matthew Young, our new Student of the Week!

September 21st

Homework # 8

1) Math- WB pg. 6

2) Science- worksheet- only pg.121

3) LA- Finish Personal Narrative draft

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow- Study words on pg. 2

* Please be sure to have three sharpened pencils each day.

September 20th

Homework # 7

1) Science- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 9
             -Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 36-53)

3) LA- Worksheet

4) Spelling- pg.4
                  - Test Friday

5) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 1

September 19th

Homework # 6

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 8
             -Quiz Thursday

3) LA- WB pg 11

4) Spelling- pg.3
                  - Test Friday

5) Religion Test Thursday Chapter 1

September 18th

Homework # 5

1) Math- WB pg. 7
             - Quiz Thursday

2) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter One

3) L.A.- Finish WB pg. 10

4) Spelling- Pg. 2

* Please return your yellow Monday's Memos folder signed.

* Back to School Night is tonight at 7:00.

September 15th

Weekend Notes

* Lunch service will begin on Monday.  Please check backpacks for menu and details.

* Be sure to have at least three pencils each day.

* Back to School Night is Monday at 7:00.

*Congratulations to William Smith, our Student of the Week!

September 14th

Homework # 4

1) Vocabulary- Study for test tomorrow, Unit 1.

 For fun ways to practice, try:
 1) Click on the "Student and Family Resources" section.
2) Click on the Vocabulary Workshop section.
 3) Click our orange book cover.  There are a few games and activities here.

2) Math- WB pg. 5

3) L.A.- WB pg. 9

4) Science- volcano worksheet

September 13th

Homework # 3

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 12
                       - Test Friday Unit 1

2) Math- WB pg. 4

3) LA- WB pg. 8

*Please bring in a hanger by tomorrow.

September 12th

Homework # 2

1) Math- WB pg. 3

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) L.A.- WB pg. 5

* Please bring in two rocks tomorrow.

*Please bring in a hanger by Thursday.

September 11th

Homework # 1

1) Math- WB pg. 1

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 10

* Please bring in a hanger by Thursday.

September 8th

Weekend Notes

* The last batch of books to be covered went home today.  Please no contact paper on the textbooks.

* Please return your Summer Reading packets if you haven't already.

* There is no lunch service available on Monday.  Please bring your own lunch.

* Congratulations on a wonderful first week!

September 7th

Thursday's Notes

-Please cover your textbooks with brown (or colored) paper.

-Please cover your workbooks with contact or brown paper.

-12:00 dismissal tomorrow

September 6th

Wednesday's Notes

Welcome Back!

-Please cover your Math textbook with brown or colored (paper shopping bag type) paper.  No contact paper on textbooks!

-Please cover workbooks with either contact paper or brown paper.

-Be sure to label each with your name on the outside cover.

-School hours tomorrow are 8:00 -12:00.  Aftercare begins tomorrow.