February 29th

Homework # 79

1) Math- WB pg. 111- Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 112- There will not be a Unit Test on Friday.

3) English- WB pgs. 83 & 84

4) Religion- Test Wednesday Chapter 11

February 26th

Weekend Notes

* Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, March 1st

* Congratulations to Grace Sengul, our new Student of the Week!

February 25th

Homework # 78

1) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 5.  Know two presidential facts for either Garfield. Arthur, or Cleveland.
          - 2 point bonus!  List the five boroughs of  New York City

2) Math- WB pg. 110

3) English- WB pg. 82

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow on pg. 25 words

* Current Events is due tomorrow.

February 24th

Homework # 77

1) Science- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 109

3) S.S.-Test Friday Chapter 5- Review sheets went home today.

4) Spelling- Test Friday, pg. 25 words
                  - Do pg. 28
5) English- WB pg. 81

February 23rd

Homework # 76

1) Math- WB pg. 108

2) S.S.- Write a paragraph about one of the following:

William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglas
Sojourner Truth
Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3) Spelling- Test 2/26 - Pg. 25 words
                  - Do pages 26 & 27

February 22nd

Homework # 75

1) Math- WB pg. 107.  Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Religion- WB pg. 26 & 27

3) Spelling- Test 2/26 Pg. 25 words

4) English- Test tomorrow 5.1-5.5

February 12th

Weekend Notes

* February is a Current Events Month.  This month's topic is the Primary Elections.  Notes went home yesterday.

* Congratulations to Sabrina Dennehy, our new Student of the Week!

* Enjoy your week off!*

February 11th

Homework # 74

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 10

2) Math- Text pg. 290 # 1-24
             - Test tomorrow Chapter 8 ( text pages 266-283)

3) English- WB pg. 77 & 78

February 10th

Homework # 73

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 103
                       - Test Friday Unit 10

2) Math- WB pg. 103
             - Test Friday ( text pages 266-283)

3) Science- Write a paragraph about any organ. ( Hint: Search that organ "for kids".  Ex: Search "heart information for kids")

* Tag Day tomorrow $2.00.*

February 9th

Homework # 72

1) Math- WB pg. 101
             - Test Friday

2) Science- worksheet

3) English- WB pg. 75 & 76
                 - Test Thursday 5.1-5.5

* Our Class Mass is tomorrow at 10:30- All are welcome!

February 8th

Homework # 71

1) Math- WB pg. 100
              - Quick Quiz tomorrow

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 102

3) English- WB pg. 73 & 74
                 - Test tomorrow 4.7-4.11
                 - Test Thursday 5.1-5.5

* Pizza Lunch tomorrow*

February 5th

Weekend Notes

* Our Class Mass is Wednesday, 2/10 ( Ash Wednesday).  All are welcome!

* Congratulations to Jimmy Hunt, our new Student of the Week!

* Thank you for all of your help and cooperation during Catholic Schools Week.  We had a ton of fun!

February 4th

Thursday Notes

* Story word Vocabulary Test tomorrow

* English- Test Tuesday- 4.7-4.11

* Super Bowl/ Game Day tomorrow-wear your favorite team's  jersey or shirt

* Wednesday, February 10th (Ash Wednesday) is our Class Mass.  All are welcome!

February 3rd

Homework # 70

1) Math- WB pg. 97

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 10

3) Vocabulary- "Story Word" test Friday

4) Spelling- pgs. 23 & 24

* Harry Potter Day tomorrow.  You may come in your character's costume!  Please bring your copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

February 2nd

Homework # 69

1) Religion- Text pg. 130
                   - Test Thursday Chapter 10

2) Math- WB pg. 96
             - Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) Vocabulary- "Story Word" test on Friday.  Review sheets went home today and all definitions are in your Reading notebook

4) English- WB pg. 66

* Nifty Fifty Day is tomorrow at 1:00*

February 1st

Homework # 68

1) Math- WB pg. 95

2) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 10

3) English- WB pg. 65