June 19th

Last Day!

A safe and blessed summer to all of my Lower School graduates!!

May "The Lord bless you and keep you; make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you"

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

June 18th

# 128

Please return your June Reading Log

All notebooks and workbooks that were sent home today can stay at home.

*12:00 dismissal tomorrow!

June 17th

Homework # 127

1) Math- WB pg. 168

2) Please bind your Ten Commandments cards.  Binder rings were given out today.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.*

June 16th

Homework # 126

1) Math- WB pg. 167

*Keep at home: S.S. notebook, Spellling notebook, Spelling WB, and Dictionary WB.

*Field Day tomorrow- Review Mr. V's list of supplies.

June 15th

Homework # 125

1) Math- WB pg. 166

2) Science- Write down everything you eat today on your worksheet.

3) Religion- text pg. 258

June 12th

Weekend Notes

* Please return your NJ Books if your haven't already.

* Please type any writing that you have selected to publish in the Great Authors Book.

* Field Day is Wednesday- Don't forget your holi powder.

*Congratulations to Joseph Vincent, our new Student of the Week!

June 11th

Homework # 125

1) Math- Text pg. 436- Test tomorrow.

2) English- WB pg. 124

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow NJ text Chapters 7 and 8.  Review facts on Presidents: Truman, Eisenhower,                 Kennedy, or Johnson

*Please bind you NJ Booklet.  Binder rings were sent home today. *

June 10th

Homework # 123

1) Math- WB pg. 160- Test Friday

2) Science- Text pg. E60- Vocabulary and Test Prep sections (answers only)
                    Test tomorrow

3) Spelling- WB pg. 92

4) S.S.- Test Friday-review sheets went home yesterday.

June 9th

Homework # 122

1) English-WB pg. 122

2) Math- WB pg. 159- Test Friday

3) S.S.- Print out a picture of:

-Gov. Christie
-Sen. Menendez
-Sen. Booker

*County reports are due tomorrow.

4) Science-Test Thursday

June 8th

Homework # 121

1) Math- WB pg. 158- Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) S.S.- Please finish your county reports.   Draft copies were returned today.   Final copies are due Wed.

4) Science- Test Thursday Chapter 11- Review sheets went home today.

June 5th

Weekend Notes

* Science Test Thursday.

* June's Reading is free choice.

* Congratulations to Alexa Filera, our new Student of the Week!

June 4th

Homework # 120

1) Math- WB pg. 157

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow- Unit 13

3) English- WB pgs. 120 & 121

*Tomorrow ends "Greek Week" with our performance of  Pandora's Box.  If you would like to bring in a simple costume, ( top sheets make great togas!) you may bring them to school tomorrow. However, regular school uniforms must be worn.

June 3rd

Homework # 119

1) Math- WB pg. 156- Quiz tomorrow ( text pgs. 412-419)

2) Science- Worksheet (both sides)

3) Vocabulary- WB pg, 137 -Test Friday

June 2nd

Homework # 118

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 155- Quiz Thursday.

3) Religion- Text pg. 230- Test Tomorrow

June 1st.

Homework # 117

1) Math- WB pg. 154.  Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 134

3) Religion- Test Wednesday Chapter 19

4) S.S.- Complete your draft copy of your county report.
              Please bring it in tomorrow.

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00
Weekend Notes

*Reading Logs are due Monday.*

*Moon Calendars are due Monday.*

*Please bind and return your Saint Booklets on Monday.  Binder rings were given out in school.

*Congratulations to Olivia Leyden, our new Student of the Week!