December 22nd

Christmas Notes

* Idea for the day you're missing schoolwork (please stop laughing first).

   Each of your states for Nifty Fifty has a tourism or visitors website.  Every state offers a free packet    of information about the state.  Most have an online form to request the packet.  You should get      your packet before the report is due if you fill it out soon.

*A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all!

December 21st

Homework # 51

1) S.S.- Create a cover for your "Branch of Government" report.

2) For Tomorrow:  You may wear your pajamas to school.

    Please Bring:   1) Your full uniform in a bag.
                             2) You may bring a pillow OR a blanket
                              3) A stuffed animal ( optional)

3) Reading Logs due tomorrow.

*It is a full day tomorrow.  There is no school on Wednesday.

December 18th

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due Monday.

* Reading Logs are due Tuesday.

*Tuesday is our Movie/Pajama Party.  A note will go home on Monday with details.

*Congratulations to Stella Choi, our new Student of the Week!

December 17th

Homework # 50

1) Math- WB pg. 56

2) Science- Add a photo and two facts on your "Invertebrate Chart" for:
sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms.

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 3 (text pages 66-87)

4) English- WB pg 139
                 - Brief test Monday on writing a formal letter.

5) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 7

December 16th

Wednesday Notes

* Religion Test tomorrow- Chapter 8

* Please return report card envelopes if you haven't already.

* The Christmas Concert is tonight at 7:00.  Please report to our classroom at 6:45.

* Tag Day tomorrow, 12/17- $2.00- you may wear red and green for Christmas!

December 15th

Homework # 49

1) Science- Worksheet- both sides

2) Math- WB pg. 54

3) Religion- Test Thursday-Chapter 8

4) English- Write a formal letter of complaint.
                 - Brief test Monday to write a formal letter.

* Please return your signed report card envelope if you haven't already.*

December 14th

Homework # 48

1) Math- WB pg. 53- Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 1-10 tables)

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 72

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 8

4) English- Finish formal letter draft

December 11th

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due Monday, December 21st.  This month's topic is health/medicine.

* Please continue with your December Reading Log.  It will be collected early this month- Tuesday, December 22nd.

* Congratulations to Ava Previzi, our new Student of the Week!

December 9th

Homework # 46

1) Math- WB pg. 50
            - Test Friday Chapter 4

2) Spelling- Test tomorrow, words on pg. 10

3) Science- Text pg. A 92- Vocabulary Section- Please write the sentences.
                  - Test Friday Chapter 2

December 8th

Homework # 45

1) S.S.- Worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 49- Test Friday- Chapter 4

3) Spelling- pgs. 11 and 12

4) Science- Test Friday-Chapter Two (text pages A 70- A 89).  Review sheets went home today.

*There will be a short review session after school tomorrow until 3:10 for anyone who would like to spend a little more time with two digit multiplication.

December 7th

Homework # 44

1) Math- WB pg. 48- Quick Quiz tomorrow ( 0-7 tables).  Here is a video to help wth tonight's work:

2) Spelling- WB pg. 10

3) English- WB pg.138

* Bring in two pictures for Art class: Either Disney/Pixar, Marvel, or Star Wars characters.  Please bring both from the same group.

December 4th

Weekend Notes

* December is a Current Events month.  The topic and due date will be announced on Monday.

* Congratulations to Maria Calianese, our new Student of the Week!

December 3rd

Homework # 43

1) Math- worksheet- both sides.

2) Science- worksheet -# 1-13

3) English- Easy Test tomorrow pgs. 224-230
                 - Finish paragraph draft

4) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 6

December 2nd

Homework # 42

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 62- Test Friday

2) Math- WB pg. 46- Quiz tomorrow ( text pages 126-145)

3) English- WB pg, 137
                -  Due Thursday- Four Square organizer
                -  Easy Test Friday pgs. 224- 230

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 5
                   - Read and do pgs. 74-76

December 1st

Homework # 41

1) Math- WB pg. 45
              - Quiz Thursday ( text pages 126-145)

2) S.S.- Worksheet- On the back, list ten things you would take in a covered wagon.

3) English- WB pg.136
                - Due Thursday- Four Square organizer

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 5

* Group 2 heads to Santa's Workshop for shopping tomorrow.

November 30th

Homework # 40

1) Math- WB pg. 44- Quick Quiz tomorrow- 1-5 times tables

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 60

3) English- WB pg. 135

* Reading Logs due tomorrow.

* Biography Party is tomorrow.

November 25th

Weekend Notes

* Biography Book Projects are due Tuesday, December 1st.  Any size poster board is fine.

* Monday, November 30th Group 1 goes to Santa's Workshop to shop.  Groups were confirmed today.  If you are in Group 1 and you would like to shop, please bring your money on Monday.

* Congratulation to Sabrina Dennehy and Will Song, our new Students of the Week!

* A Very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to All!  Don't forget to "Count Your Blessings!"

November 24th

Homework # 39

1) Math- WB pg. 43

2) S.S.-Pretend you are a Pilgrim.  Write a journal entry about your life and experiences.

3) English- WB pg. 134

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

November 23rd

Homework # 38

1) Math- WB pg. 42-Quick Quiz tomorrow, 2,3, and 4 times tables.

2) S.S.- Complete your draft copy of your second paragraph of your branch of government report.

3) English- WB pg.133

November 20th

Weekend Notes

* Tuesday is our Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 1:00 in the church- All are welcome!

* Biography Book Projects are due Tuesday, December 1st.

* Congratulations to Jimmy Hunt, our new Student of the Week!

November 19th

Homework # 37

1) Math- WB pg. 40

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 2-Know two facts about Presidents Jackson, VanBuren, Harrison, or Tyler.

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow- words on pg. 5

4) English- WB pg. 132

* Book Projects due Dec. 1st

November 18th

Homework # 36

1) Math- WB pg. 39-Quick Quiz tomorrow.  Review 2 and 3 times tables.

2) S.S.- Text pg. 62- Vocabulary section ( the second box).

           - Test Friday Chapter 2.  Know two facts on Presidents Jackson, VanBuren, Harrison, or Tyler.

3) Spelling- Test on Friday ( words on pg. 5)

                  - Complete pages 7 & 8.

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00.

November 17th

Homework # 35

1) Math- WB pg. 38

2) S.S.- worksheet- On the back, write three things our taxes pay for.
           - Test Friday Chapter Two (text pages 38-59)- review sheets went home today.

*Club pictures tomorrow- No gym uniforms please.

*Tag Day on Thursday!

November 16th

Homework # 34

1) Math- WB pg. 37.  Here's my video if you need extra help

2) Spelling- pg. 6

3) English- Study for pronoun test- Review notes.

November 13th

Weekend Notes

*English-Pronoun Test Tuesday- Review will be on Monday.

* Congratulations to Amanda McCarten and Grace Sengul, our new Students of the Week!

November 12th

Homework # 33

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 53-Test tomorrow Unit 5

2) Math- Text page 122-Test tomorrow Chapter 3

November 11th

Homework # 32

1) Math- WB pg. 36- Test Friday Chapter 3

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 51- Test Friday Unit 5

3) S.S.- Complete your branch of government outline sheet that we worked on in Computer Class.
           - Begin drafting the first paragraph of your branch of government report in your notebook.

4) English- Test tomorrow- Pronouns ( sections 3.1-3.6)

*Please bring in white glue tomorrow.*

November 10th

Homework # 31

1) Math- WB pg. 34-Test Friday Chapter 3

2) S.S.- Create a poster on construction paper showing one of our amendments.  If you're using an online search, type in "amendments for kids". It will be easier to understand.

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 4

4) English- WB pg. 50- Test Thursday- Pronouns 3.1-3.6

*Bring in white glue for Thursday.*

November 9th

Homework # 30

1) Math- WB pg. 33

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) Religion- Test Wednesday, Chapter 4

4) English- WB pg. 49

*Bring in a bottle of white glue (Elmer's type) for Thursday.

November 6th

Weekend Notes

*November's book is a biography.  Project details will go home next week.

* Great job on the fossils!

*Congratulations to Dennis Borushko and Antonio Gomes, our new Students of the Week!

November 5th

Homework # 29

1) Science- Test tomorrow- Chapter 1 Lessons 4 & 5
                 - Do pg. A64 "Test Prep" section.  Please write the sentences.

2) Math- WB pg. 31

3) English- WB pages 47 & 48

* Fossils are due tomorrow.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.

November 4th

Homework #28

1) Math- WB pg. 30- Quiz tomorrow (text pages 96-107)

2) Story Word Vocabulary Test tomorrow- Know two words from your dictionary section.

3) Science- Write a paragraph on either: land, water, or air pollution.
                 - Test Friday Chapter 1 Lessons 4 & 5- review sheets went home today

4) English- WB pgs. 45 & 46

* S.S. Bonus (3 points) Write down: One of our House Representatives (Congressman/woman), One NJ Senator, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

November 2nd

Homework # 27

1) Math- WB pg. 29- Estimate and add 1-5, Adding only 6-18.

2) Vocabulary Test Thursday- Story words plus two "Dictionary" section words.  Review sheets went home today.

3) Science- Complete your ecosystem cards.

* Fossils due on Friday.

October 30th

Weekend Notes

* We will be reading biographies for November.

* Fossils are due Friday, November 6th

* Parent- Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, November 3rd.

* Congratulations to Juliet Gelineau, our new Student of the Week!

October 29th

Homework # 26

1) Science- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 28

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 4

4) English- WB pgs. 42, 43, & 44

* Halloween Parade tomorrow at 1:10.  If you are going home for lunch, please be back at school by 1:00 PM.

* Current Events and Reading Logs due tomorrow.

October 28th

Homework # 25

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 42- Test Friday Unit 4

2) Math- WB pg. 27 - No estimating, just add.

3) S.S.- worksheet- Also, create a flag from a country of your family's ancestry.

* Tag Day tomorrow- $2.00- Halloween theme (optional)

* Current Events and Reading Logs due Friday.

October 27th

Homework # 24

1) Math- WB pg. 26

2) S.S.- Write a paragraph on one of these explorers:
            -Coronado, LaSalle, DeSoto, Ponce de Leon, or Marquette & Jolliet

         -It can be typed or handwritten.  You may include a picture if you'd like.

3) English- WB pgs. 40 & 41

* Class pictures are tomorrow.  Please wear your regular uniform.

* Current Events and Reading Logs are due Friday.

October 26th

Homework # 23

1) Math- WB pg. 25
   Here is a video if you need some help:

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 40

3) English- WB pgs. 38 & 39

* Class Pictures on Wednesday.  Please wear your regular uniform on Wednesday.

October 23rd

Weekend Notes

* Current Events is due next Friday, October 30th.

* Looking ahead to next month...November's book selection will be a biography.

* Congratulations to Noah Granados and Eric Petrie, our new Students of the Week!

October 22nd

Homework # 22

1) Math- WB pg. 24

2) Religion- Please return your completed Beatitude Booklet.

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow- Chapter 1 ( Text pgs. 10- 31) Review your notes and your review sheet.

4) English- WB pg. 37

October 20th

Homework # 21

1) Religion- Do pg. 52- Test Thursday Chapter 3

2) Math- Do text page 90-Test Thursday Chapter 2

3) S.S.- Test Friday Chapter 1 (text pages 10-31)-Review sheets went home today.

*Bring in your cut soda bottle ( see yesterday's directions) and your "outdoor items" for Thursday.*

October 19th

Homework # 20

1) Math- WB pg. 22- Test Thursday, Chapter 2

2) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 3

3) Please complete your final copy of your poem

4) English- Test tomorrow- Nouns

* Please bring in a 2 liter soda bottle by Thursday.  Lay the bottle on its side and cut a capital "I " in the bottle creating a opening into the bottle.  Also, bring in some outdoor items ( rocks, twigs, soil, leaves etc.)  We will be making an ecosystem.

October 16th

Weekend Notes

* English Test on Tuesday, October 20th-Nouns

* Please show me what you're reading this month if you haven't already.

*Congratulations to Jack Tenaglia, our new Student of the Week!

October 15th

Homework # 19

1) Math- WB pg. 21- Odd numbers only
                                - Quiz tomorrow- Study text pages 68-83

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow- Unit 3

3) English- WB pg. 32- Test Tuesday 10/20- Nouns

October 14th

Homework # 18

1) Math- WB pg. 20- Quiz Friday

2) Reading- Make a five column chart of our senses.  List at least five sensory words in each column that come from your kitchen.

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 32-Test Friday Unit 3

4) English- WB pg. 31

October 13th

Homework # 17

1) Math- WB pg. 19- Quiz Friday

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 31

3) English- WB pgs. 28,29, & 30

*Picture Day tomorrow- You may wear your choice of clothing.*

*Pizza Lunch tomorrow.*

October 9th

Weekend Notes

- October is a Current Events month.  Please check the homework folder for details and instructions for the upcoming fossil project.

-Congratulations to Ella Eom, our new Student of the Week!

-Enjoy your long Columbus Day Weekend!

October 8th

Homework # 16

1) English- WB pg. 26 & 27

2) Math- WB pg. 17

3) Science- Text pg. A27, Questions 1 & 3. Test tomorrow- study your review sheets

* Book Projects due tomorrow.*

October 7th

Homework # 15

1) Math- WB pg. 16

2) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter Two

3) English- WB pg. 24 & 25

4) Science- Test Friday ( text pages A4-A27)- Review Sheets went home today.

*Book Projects due Friday.*

**Hot dogs & French fries for lunch tomorrow**

October 6th

Homework # 14

1) Math- WB pg. 15

2) Science- worksheet- Test Friday

3) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter Two

4) English- WB pg. 23- Personal Narrative draft copy

*Please bring in Play Doh tomorrow if you have it at home.

October 5th

Homework # 13

1) Math- WB pg. 14

2) English- WB pg. 21 & 22

3) Please bring in Rosary Beads tomorrow

4) Please bring in Play Doh on Wednesday.

October 2nd

Weekend Notes

-September Book Projects are due next Friday 10/9

-Please don't forget to return your class party money if you haven't already.

-Congratulations to Reina Psarianos and John Brignola, or new Students of the Week!

October 1st

Homework # 12

1) Math- Text pg. 62- answers only- Test tomorrow Chapter 1

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 2

3) Reading Logs due tomorrow

September 30th

Homework # 11

1) Math- WB pg. 13- Test Friday Chapter 1

2) English- WB pg. 16- Test tomorrow

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 23- Test Friday Unit 2

4) S.S.- Test tomorrow- Study text pages H12-H21.  Know two presidential facts.

September 29th

Homework # 10

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 20

2) Math- worksheet- Test Friday Chapter 1

3) S.S.- Test Thursday- Review sheets were sent home today.

4) English- WB pgs. 14 & 15

*Tag Day tomorrow- $2.00

September 28th

Homework # 9

1) Math- WB pg. 11- Test Friday Chapter 1

2) English- WB pgs. 11 and 13

3) S.S. - Test Thursday (text pages H12-H21)

* 2 point bonus on your next Science Test...What was NASA's big announcement today?  Please write your answer on a piece on paper to be handed in.

September 25th

Weekend Notes

- Please bring in your September book to show me what you're reading if you haven't already.  Book   projects are due October 9th.

-Please return your $5.00 Scholastic Fee by Monday.

-Congratulations to Julianna Rosen, our new Student of the Week!

September 24th

Homework # 8

1) Math- WB pg. 10- Quiz tomorrow- Study textbook pages 36-53.

2) Religion- Finish your Pope Francis puppet.  Staple the edges to form the puppet and write 5 facts about him on the back.

3) Please watch 10 minutes of the news tonight to find out what Pope Francis was doing today!

September 23rd

Homework # 7

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) English- Please write your first paragraph for your personal narrative.

3) Math- WB 9 - Quiz Friday ( study text pages 36-53)

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 1

September 22nd

Homework # 6

1) Math- WB pg. 8.  Quiz on Friday.

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) English- WB pg. 12

4) Spelling- WB pg. 4.  Test on Thursday

* Religion test Thursday  Chapter 1

September 21st

Homework # 5

1) Math- WB pg. 7

2) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 1

3) Spelling- WB pg. 2

4) English- WB pg. 9 & 10

September 18th

Weekend Notes

-Please show me your September book choices if you haven't already.

-See you at the carnival this weekend.

-Congratulations to Alia Ureta, our Student of the Week!

September 17th

Homework # 4

1) Math- WB pg. 5

2) English-WB pg. 8

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 13- Test tomorrow Unit 1.

September 16th

Homework # 3

1) English- WB pg. 7

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) Math- WB pg. 4

4) Vocabulary- Test Friday- Unit 1

*Please bring in a hanger for tomorrow.*

September 15th

Homework # 2

1) Math- WB pg. 3

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) English- WB pg. 6

4) Vocabulary Test Friday

* Bring in a hanger by Thursday. *

September 14th

Homework # 1

1) Math- WB pg. 1

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 10

3) English- WB pg. 5

*Back to School Night is tonight at 7:00PM.  Please go to the gym.

September 11th

Weekend Notes

-Please cover your English and Social Studies textbooks.

-Please cover your English workbook.

-Gym on Monday.  You may wear your gym clothes to school.

-Back to School Night on Monday at 7:00.  See you there!

September 10th

Thursday's Notes

-Please cover your Reading and Science textbooks.  Do not use contact paper on textbooks.

-Please cover your Reading and Vocabulary workbooks.  Contact paper is fine on workbooks.

-Kindly note: Monday, September 14th is Back to School Night at 7:00 PM.  See you there!

September 9th

Welcome Back!

Please cover your Math Textbook tonight.  Brown  packaging paper works well.  Feel free to use another type of paper, but please, no Booksocks.

Please cover your Math, Spelling, and Religion soft-cover books.  You may use whatever you'd like, but contact paper with cardboard cover reinforcements works best.

Be sure to label the covers with the subject and your name.

June 19th

Last Day!

A safe and blessed summer to all of my Lower School graduates!!

May "The Lord bless you and keep you; make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you"

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

June 18th

# 128

Please return your June Reading Log

All notebooks and workbooks that were sent home today can stay at home.

*12:00 dismissal tomorrow!

June 17th

Homework # 127

1) Math- WB pg. 168

2) Please bind your Ten Commandments cards.  Binder rings were given out today.

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.*

June 16th

Homework # 126

1) Math- WB pg. 167

*Keep at home: S.S. notebook, Spellling notebook, Spelling WB, and Dictionary WB.

*Field Day tomorrow- Review Mr. V's list of supplies.

June 15th

Homework # 125

1) Math- WB pg. 166

2) Science- Write down everything you eat today on your worksheet.

3) Religion- text pg. 258

June 12th

Weekend Notes

* Please return your NJ Books if your haven't already.

* Please type any writing that you have selected to publish in the Great Authors Book.

* Field Day is Wednesday- Don't forget your holi powder.

*Congratulations to Joseph Vincent, our new Student of the Week!

June 11th

Homework # 125

1) Math- Text pg. 436- Test tomorrow.

2) English- WB pg. 124

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow NJ text Chapters 7 and 8.  Review facts on Presidents: Truman, Eisenhower,                 Kennedy, or Johnson

*Please bind you NJ Booklet.  Binder rings were sent home today. *

June 10th

Homework # 123

1) Math- WB pg. 160- Test Friday

2) Science- Text pg. E60- Vocabulary and Test Prep sections (answers only)
                    Test tomorrow

3) Spelling- WB pg. 92

4) S.S.- Test Friday-review sheets went home yesterday.

June 9th

Homework # 122

1) English-WB pg. 122

2) Math- WB pg. 159- Test Friday

3) S.S.- Print out a picture of:

-Gov. Christie
-Sen. Menendez
-Sen. Booker

*County reports are due tomorrow.

4) Science-Test Thursday

June 8th

Homework # 121

1) Math- WB pg. 158- Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) S.S.- Please finish your county reports.   Draft copies were returned today.   Final copies are due Wed.

4) Science- Test Thursday Chapter 11- Review sheets went home today.

June 5th

Weekend Notes

* Science Test Thursday.

* June's Reading is free choice.

* Congratulations to Alexa Filera, our new Student of the Week!

June 4th

Homework # 120

1) Math- WB pg. 157

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow- Unit 13

3) English- WB pgs. 120 & 121

*Tomorrow ends "Greek Week" with our performance of  Pandora's Box.  If you would like to bring in a simple costume, ( top sheets make great togas!) you may bring them to school tomorrow. However, regular school uniforms must be worn.

June 3rd

Homework # 119

1) Math- WB pg. 156- Quiz tomorrow ( text pgs. 412-419)

2) Science- Worksheet (both sides)

3) Vocabulary- WB pg, 137 -Test Friday

June 2nd

Homework # 118

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 155- Quiz Thursday.

3) Religion- Text pg. 230- Test Tomorrow

June 1st.

Homework # 117

1) Math- WB pg. 154.  Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 134

3) Religion- Test Wednesday Chapter 19

4) S.S.- Complete your draft copy of your county report.
              Please bring it in tomorrow.

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00
Weekend Notes

*Reading Logs are due Monday.*

*Moon Calendars are due Monday.*

*Please bind and return your Saint Booklets on Monday.  Binder rings were given out in school.

*Congratulations to Olivia Leyden, our new Student of the Week!

May 28th

Homework # 116

1) Math- WB pg. 153

2) Spelling- WB pg. 84-Test tomorrow

3) English- Text pg. 181- Sections 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10- Please write sentences.
    Test tomorrow Chapter 7

* Book Commercials are due tomorrow.*

May 27th

Homework # 115

1) S.S.- worksheet- both sides

2) Math- Text pg. 237 # 1-22

3) Spelling- WB pg 82 and 83 top

4) English- Test Friday Chapter 7

* Book Commercials are due on Friday.*

May 26th

Homework # 114

1) Math- Text pg. 236 # 1-18-Test tomorrow Chapter 6

2) Spelling- corrections five times each

3) S.S.- Begin your first paragraph of your County Report.  Bring your paragraphs to class tomorrow.

May 22nd

Weekend Notes

*Book Commercials are due Friday, May 29th.*

*Moon Calendars are due June 1st.*

*Congratulations to Caitlin Fritz and Oliver Lopez, our new Students of the Week!

May 21st

Homework # 113

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 83-Test Wednesday

3) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter 10 ( pgs, E6-E27)

4) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow-Unit 12

May 20th

Homework # 112

1) Science- Text page E26- Vocabulary (answers only) and Test Prep (please write questions) Sections- Test Friday.

2) Math- WB pg. 82

3) English-WB pg. 113. Please bring a stamped envelope tomorrow.

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 18

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00*

May 19th

Homework # 111

1) Math- WB pg. 81

2) Vocabulary- WB pg. 123

3) S.S.- Please complete your county information-fill in the blanks on your outline sheet.

4) Religion- Test Thursday

May 18th

Homework # 110

1) Math- WB pg. 80- Quick Quiz tomorrow.

2) Science- worksheet- Test Friday

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 122

* Congratulations to Kathleen Burke and Alexander Silva, our new Students of the Week!

May 14th

Homework # 109

1) Math- WB pg. 79

2) Harry Potter Test tomorrow-Study vocabulary words from Chapters 11-17.  Know at least two words and their meanings from your Dictionary section.

3) English- WB pg. 109

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow

May 13th

Homework # 108

1) Math- WB pg. 78- Also bring in two pictures: one with a lot of mass, one with little mass.

2) English- WB pg. 108

3) Spelling- WB pg. 108

4) Harry Potter Test on Friday- study Vocabulary from Ch. 11-17 and know two words from your "Dictionary" section.

May 12th

Homework Notes

*No written homework because of the play...break a leg!!

*Harry Potter Test on Friday-Study the vocabulary words in your notebook from Chapters 11-17.
  You may use the novel for the test.

*Scholastic Book orders are due Friday.*

May 11th

Homework # 107

1) Spelling- Corrections five times each

2) Math- WB pg. 76- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapters 5 & 6 -Know two facts about either Presidents Wilson, Harding, Coolidge or Hoover.

May 8th

Weekend Notes

* S.S. Test on Tuesday (Chapters 5 & 6)

* Please return your textbook loan form if you haven't already.

* Congratulations to Kaitlyn Brady, our new Student of the Week!

May 7th

Homework # 106

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow- Unit 11

2) English- WB pg. 106

3) Math- WB pg. 74- Please bring in two pictures: something that is heavy
                                                                                  something that is light

4) Science- Test tomorrow- Text pages (C54-C59) and ( C 66- C88)

May 6th

Homework Notes

*Our Spring Concert begins at 7:00 tonight.  Please arrive at 6:45 in our classroom.*

*Vocabulary and Science Tests on Friday.*

May 5th

Homework # 105

1) English-WB pg. 100

2) Math- WB pg. 72

3) Religion- text pg. 206-Test tomorrow Chapter 17.

4) Science- Test Friday- Lessons 5, 6, & 7 (Text pgs. 54-59 and 66-89).  Review sheets went home today.

*Please remember your rosary beads.*

*News from Grade Four newsletters went home today.*

May 4th

Homework # 104

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 71- Quick Quiz tomorrow- Study 11 times table.

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 112

4) Religion- Test Wed.- Chapter 17

*Mythical Creature stories are due tomorrow.*

May 1st

Weekend Notes

* Summer uniforms begin on Monday.  You may wear sneakers with your golf shirt and uniform shorts.*

* Please choose a Newbery Award winning book for May's reading.*

*Congratulations to Vanessa King and Tom Petrie, our new Students of the Week!

April 30th

Homework # 103

1) Math- Text pg. 376- Test Tomorrow

2) Science- worksheet (both sides)

3) Spelling- Test Tomorrow

*Please bring in rosary beads tomorrow.*

*12:00 dismissal tomorrow*

April 29th

Homework # 102

1) English-Test tomorrow Chapter 6 ( text pages 144-153)

2) Science- worksheet-both sides

3)  Math- WB pg. 139-Test Friday

4) Spelling - WB pg. 76

*Current Events due tomorrow.*

*Reading Logs due tomorrow.*

**2 pt SS bonus question- Who was responsible for the "purchase" of Manhattan Island from the Lenape?

April 28th

Homework # 101

1) Math- WB pg. 138- Test Friday

2) English- WB pg. 98- Test Thursday

3) S.S.- Write a paragraph about Henry Hudson.  Please include a picture.

* Current Events and Reading Logs are due Thursday.*

* has several sections to review for our test.  Try P.19-P.22 and P.26 (volume)*

April 27th

Homework # 100

1) S.S.-worksheet (both sides)

2) Math- WB pg. 137-Test Friday

3) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

4) Religion- WB pgs. 38 & 39

April 24th

Weekend Notes

*Reading Logs and Current Events due Thursday, 4/30.*

* May's book will be a Newbery Award winner.*

* Congratulations to Delilah Doda and Will Young, our new Students of the Week!

April 23rd

Homework # 99

1) Math- WB pg. 135

2) English- WB pg. 97

*Business Projects due tomorrow.*

April 22nd

Homework # 98

1) Math- WB pg. 134

2) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 10

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 16

4) Science- Complete  the endangered animal information on your worksheet.

(2 point bonus for your next test)    
 What is the name if the scale used to measure the magnitude (strength) of an earthquake?

*Lower School Tag Day tomorrow $2.00.*

April 21st

Homework # 97

1) Religion- Test Thursday-Chapter 16

2) Math- WB pg. 133

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 104- Test Thursday

4) English- WB pg. 95

*Business Projects due Friday.*

April 20th

Homework # 96

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 132

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 102- Test Thursday

April 17th

 Weekend Notes

* Business Day is next Friday, 4/24 *

* We had a wonderful time on our trip to the Newark Museum.  Thank you to our parent chaperones for all of your help.*

* Congratulations to Alex Silva, our new Student of the Week!*

April 16th

Homework # 95

Reading- Finish revising and proofreading your "Mirror of Erised" writing.  Please type your final copy and mount it on your "mirror". Construction paper was handed out in class today.

*Class Trip tomorrow!  Don't forget your lunch!  You may wear play clothes, no shorts please.  Hoods are helpful if the showers come while we're entering or exiting the museum.

April 15th

Homework # 94

1) Math- Text pg. 355 # 1-20 (not # 11)

2) Science- Test tomorrow- Chapter 5

3) English- Text pg. 141, sections 5.9-5.17- answers only.  Test tomorrow Chapter 5.

April 14th

Homework # 93

1) Math- Text pg. 354 # 1-19-Test tomorrow Chapter 10

2) English- WB pg. 92. Test Thursday Chapter 5

3) Spelling- WB pg. 72

4) Science- Test Thursday Chapter 5

*You may wear your play clothes on Friday for our trip.*

April 13th

Homework # 92

1) S.S.- worksheet (both sides)

2) Math- WB pg. 129- Test Wednesday

3) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

4) Science- Test Thursday Chapter 5

*Letters went home today regarding our trip and April events.*

April 1st

Easter Break Notes

* Business Projects are due April 24th.

*This month is a free choice month for books.  April is a Current Events month-the topic is "health". has many age-appropriate articles under a health subtitle.

*Congratulations to Sean Coll. our new Student of the Week!

Wishing you and your families a blessed Easter full of God's goodness and love!

March 31st

Homework # 91

1) Math- WB pg. 130

2) Religion- Write two journal entries in your notebook-one for Palm Sunday, one for Holy Thursday.  Pretend you are there.  What did you see?  How did it make you feel?

* If you didn't return your March Reading Log, please hand it in tomorrow.*

March 30th

Homework # 90

1) Math- WB pg. 128

2) Science- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- Harry Potter test tomorrow, Chapters 2-10.  Know two "Dictionary" words from your dictionary section and their meanings.

*Book Projects due tomorrow.

*Reading Logs due tomorrow.

March 27th

Weekend Notes

* Book Projects (dioramas) are due Tuesday, 3/31.

* There will be a Harry Potter Vocabulary Test- Chapters 1-10- on Tuesday, 3/31.  The words and definitions are in your Reading notebooks.

* Be sure to update you March Reading Logs...The end is near!!

*Congratulations to Olivia Leyden, our new Student of the Week!

March 26th

Homework # 89

1) Math- WB pg. 127

2) S.S.- Test tomorrow Chapter 3

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

4) English- WB pg. 90

* Book projects are due next Tuesday 3/31.

March 24th

Homework # 87

1) English- WB pg. 88

2) Math- WB pg. 125-Quiz Thursday ( text pages 326-341)

3) S.S.- Text page 67- Vocabulary Review section-Test Friday Chapter 3-Review sheets went home today.

4) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 15

* Bring in your Play-Doh tomorrow.

*Please return your signed report card envelopes if you haven't already.

March 23rd

Homework # 86

1) Spelling- Corrections 5 times each

2) Religion-Test Wednesday Chapter 15-Review your Bible verse.

3) Science- worksheet (both sides)

4) Math- WB pg. 124.  String your qudrilaterals to a hanger to make a mobile.

March 20th

Weekend Notes

* Monday is the Penance Service for Grades 2-5.

*Congratulations to Katie Fragola, our new Student of the Week!

March 19th

Homework # 85

1) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 9

2) Math- WB pg. 122

3) S.S.- Text page 61- Questions 1,2, and 4.  Please restate your answers.

*If you forgot your family photo, you can bring it in tomorrow.

March 18th

Homework # 84

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 96 & 97-Test Friday Unit 9

2) English- Quiz tomorrow-text pages 116-129

3) Science- Worksheet

4) Math- WB pg 121

*Please bring in a family photo for tomorrow.  A simple printed picture on regular copy paper is fine.  No special photos please since we will be gluing it to another paper.

March 17th

Homework # 83

1) Science- Quiz tomorrow- Lesson 6 (text pages 64-73)

2) English- WB pg. 86- Quiz Thursday (text pages 116-129)

3) Math- WB pg. 120

*Happy St. Patrick's Day*

March 16th

Homework # 82

1) Math- WB pg. 119

2) S.S.- worksheet

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 92

4) Science- Quiz Wednesday-Lesson 6 (text pages 64-73)

* Tag Day tomorrow-$2.00

March 13th

Weekend Notes

* Please check school supplies as some need to be replaced or replenished.

*Don't forget to cover your NJ text if you haven't already.

*Congratulations to Noelle Wacker, our new Student of the Week!

March 12th

Homework # 81

1) English- WB pg. 84

2) Math- Text pg. 322 # 1-23- Test tomorrow Chapter 9

3) Spelling- Test tomorrow

*Please type one piece of writing from your Writing Folder for the Great Authors Book.*

*St. Patrick's Bake Sale is tomorrow after school.

March 11th

Homework # 80

1) Math- WB pg. 117- Quick Quiz tomorrow.  Review your 11 times table.
              - Test Friday Chapter 9.

2) S.S.- print out a picture for each:  NJ state bird, flower, tree, and flag.  Glue your pictures onto construction paper and label them.
            - Cover your NJ textbook.

3) English- WB pg. 83

March 10th

Homework # 79

1) Spelling- WB pg. 58 and the top of 59

2) Math- WB pg. 116-Test Friday

3) Religion-pg. 142- Test Tomorrow Chapter 11

March 9th

Homework # 78

1) Math- WB pg. 115- Quick quiz tomorrow

2) Religion- Test Wednesday Chapter 11

3) Spelling- Corrections 5 times each

March 6th

Weekend Notes

*Monday will be the last Terra Nova testing due due to the snow day.

*Notes went home today regarding March's Book Project and the Build Your Own Business Project.

*Congratulations to Olivia Costa, our new Student of the Week!

March 4th

Wednesday Notes

*Terra Nova continues tomorrow with Language and Science.

*Scholastic Money due Friday.

*Half- day on Friday.

March 3rd

Tuesday Notes

* Terra Nova tests for tomorrow- Math and Language.  The students look as sharp as their pencils.  Keep doing what you're doing!

* Scholastic book money due Friday.

March 2nd

Monday's Notes

*Terra Nova continues tomorrow with Reading and the beginning of Math.  Be sure to get to bed early and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

* March's Book Project will be based on historical fiction.  Details will follow this week.

* The Scholastic Invention projects (optional for extra credit) are due next Monday, 3/9.

February 27th

Weekend Notes

*Terra Nova Testing begins on Monday.  Please bring three #2 pencils and be sure you eat breakfast :)

* Please return your Reading Log if you haven't already.

*Congratulations to Minjae Jung, our new Student of the Week!

February 26th

Homework # 77

1) S.S.- Test Tomorrow Chapter 5 (Lessons 1-4)
*Don't forget your Hayes, Garfield, or Cleveland facts.*

2) Math- WB pg. 111

3) Vocabulary- Test tomorrow Unit 8

4) Current Events and Reading Logs due tomorrow

February 25th

Homework # 76

1) Math- WB pg. 110

2) English- Test tomorrow (text pages 106-117)

3) Religion- WB pgs 28 and 29

4) Vocabulary- WB pg 84-Test Friday

*Current Events and Reading Logs due Friday

February 24th

Homework # 75

1) S.S.- Create a travel brochure for one of the following cities:
New York City, Philadelphia, or Boston.  Show places to visit and interesting sights.

         - Test on Friday Chapter Five- Review sheets went home today.

2) Math- WB pg. 109

3) English- WB pg. 81- Test Thursday (text pages 106-119)

*Please bring in Play Doh tomorrow if you have some at home.*

February 23rd

Homework # 74

1) S.S.- worksheet-use your text to help you.

2) Math- WB pg. 108- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 82

February 13th

Weekend Notes

* Be sure to choose and read your "Hero of Human Rights" biography as soon as possible.  We will be working on our project February 27th.*

* Current Events for February is due February 27th.  The subject is subject is science and nature.  You may check out for suggestions.

* Have a wonderful and relaxing week off!

* Congratulations to Kathleen Burke, our new Student of the Week!

February 11th

Homework # 72

1) English - WB pg. 77

2) Math- WB pg. 104

3) Religion- Test tomorrow- Chapter 10 and the Bible Verse

4) Science- Test Friday- Chapter 4- Lessons 4&5.  Review sheets went home yesterday.

-2 pt bonus for the next SS Test- Who signed their name the largest on the Declaration of Independence and why?

*Friday Lunch menu change- Pizza bagels will now be served.

February 10th

Homework # 71

1) Math- Text pg. 293 # 1-23 odd numbers only (NOT #13).  Test tomorrow on Chapter 8.

2) Science- worksheet-Test Friday Chapter 4 Lessons 4&5

3) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

4) Religion- Test Thursday Chapter 10

February 6th

Weekend Notes

* Our Math Test has been moved to Wednesday, 2/11.

* Congratulations to Kaitlyn Brady, our new Student of the Week!

February 5th

Homework # 70

1) Math- WB pg. 103-Test tomorrow (text pages 266-283).

2) English- WB pg. 74

3) Vocabulary- Test Tomorrow Unit 7

* 12:00 dismissal tomorrow.  Tomorrow's 10:30 Mass is "featuring" the Fourth Grade.  All are welcome!

February 4th

Homework # 69

1) S.S.- worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 102- Test Friday

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 74-Test Friday

*There is no kickboxing tomorrow.*

*The name of the website shown in class to help you with Current Events is  If you sign up as a parent, they will ask for an email address.
There is a free portion which allows you to access articles without charge.*

February 3rd

Homework # 68

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 72

2) Math- WB pg. 101

Here is the link for some video help if needed:

3) Religion- Publish your psalms on loose leaf

*Line graphs are due.  Please bring them tomorrow if you haven't handed yours in.*

*The Fourth Grade Class Mass is Friday.  All are welcome!*

January 30th

Weekend Notes

* Tag Day on Monday-$2.00

* January Temperature Line Graphs are due on Tuesday- Use the calendar information you have been collecting to create a line graph.  You may use graph paper or use a ruler on blank paper.

* The Fourth Grade Class Mass is next Friday, February 8th.  All are welcome!

*Congratulations to Braden Greene-McDonald, our new Student of the Week!

January 29th

Homework # 67

1) Math- WB pg. 100

2) Spelling-Test tomorrow

3) Book Reports and Reading Logs are due tomorrow

*Don't forget to wear your football jerseys/ tee shirts for our Super Bowl/ Game Day!

January 28th

Homework # 66

1) Math- WB pg. 99

2) S.S.- Fill in all of the states (abbreviations are okay) on the blank side of the map

*Don't forget your "buddy snack" for tomorrow's Kindness Campaign.

January 27th

Snow Day Notes

Nifty Fifty is tomorrow.  Please bring in your poster, report, and your food.  You may wear your state tee shirt to school.

Book reports and Reading Logs are due on Friday.

Enjoy your day off!!

January 26th

Snowy Notes

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

*Nifty Fifty Day is scheduled for Wednesday.  Please bring in your poster, report, and your food.  You may wear your state tee shirt to school on Wednesday.

*Book reports and Reading Logs are due on Friday.

*Enjoy the snow!*

January 23rd

Weekend Notes

*Catholic Schools Week begins on Monday.  Please check the backpack for our scheduled events!

*Book Reports are due next Friday 1/30.

*Congratulations to Darren Herrera and James Walsh, our new Student(s) of the Week!

January 22nd

Homework # 65

1) Spelling- Test tomorrow

2) S.S.- Do text page 123-Facts and Main Ideas section- #1,2,&5
           -Test tomorrow Chapter 4

3) Math- WB pg. 98

*Next week is Catholic Schools Week.  Here is an outline of what the Fourth Grade will be doing:

Monday-Harry Potter Day

Tuesday- School Spirit Day-Come dressed in your blue and gold school colors.

Wednesday- Nifty Fifty Day

Thursday- Kindness Campaign-Please bring the snack for the friend you chose in class.  We will also be doing random acts of kindness throughout the school.

Friday- Superbowl/ Games Party- Please wear your favorite football jersey (or shirt) as we enjoy some Superbowl fun.  This is a 12:00 dismissal day.

January 21st

Homework # 64

1) English-Test tomorrow-Chapter 4 (only to pg. 95)

2) Spelling- WB pg. 44

3) Math- WB pg. 97

4) S.S.-Test Friday-Chapter 4-Review sheets went home today.

5) Religion- Interview an adult-Ask: Do you think people worship false gods?  If so, what are they?

*Kickboxing tomorrow*

January 20th

Homework # 63

1) Math- WB pg. 96

2) Science- worksheet

3) Religion- Test tomorrow Chapter 9

4) English- WB pg. 62-Test Thursday

January 19th

Homework # 62

1) Math- WB pg. 95- Quick quiz tomorrow

2) Spelling- corrections 5 times each

3) Religion-Read pgs. 114&115-Do pg. 116. Test Wednesday

4) English- WB pg. 60

*Bring in an empty water bottle tomorrow ( any individual size is fine).

January 16th

Weekend Notes

*Scholastic Book orders are due on Monday.

*12:00 dismissal on Monday.

*Please return your diamante poems if you haven't already.

*Congratulations to Olivia Costa, our new Student of the Week!

January 15th

Homework # 61

1) Vocabulary- test tomorrow Unit 6

2) Math- do text pg. 262 # 1-6- Test tomorrow Chapter 7

*Please replace your cover if needed.*

3) English - WB pg. 59

January 14th

Homework # 60

1) Science- Test tomorrow Chapter Three

2) Math- WB pg. 92- Test Friday

3) Vocabulary- WB pg. 64 and 65-Test Friday

*Tag Day tomorrow $2.00

*Hat Day tomorrow!  Come wearing  your favorite hat!

January 13th

Homework #59

1) S.S-worksheet

2) Math- WB pg. 91-Test Friday

3) English- WB pg. 58

4) Science- Test Thursday-Chapter Three

*Please bring in a note if you are going to Moonlight Bingo on Friday night.*

January 12th

Homework # 58

1) Vocabulary- WB pg. 60

2) Math- WB pg. 90- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) Science- Worksheet-both sides.  Test Thursday Chapter Three.

January 9th

Weekend Notes

-Letters were sent home today with a few upcoming dates.  Please check the homework folders.

-Congratulations to Joseph Vincent, our new Student of the Week!

January 8th

Homework # 57

1) Math- WB pg. 88

2) Science- Print or draw pictures for the amphibian, mammal, reptile, and bird groups.

3) Religion- Do pg. 106- Test tomorrow Chapter 8

4) Spelling- Test tomorrow

* I will be sending home a note tomorrow regarding the ixl program, but if you can't wait here is some help:

Your username is your first and last name followed by 513 ( no caps or spaces)
                         ex: jessicavaldes513

Your password is your last name and your first initial (no caps or spaces)
                         ex: valdesj

January 7th

Homework # 56

1) Math- WB pg. 87- Quiz tomorrow

2) Science- Print (or draw) pictures for the three fish groups.

3) Spelling- WB pg, 40

4) Religion- Test Friday- Chapter 8

January 6th

Homework #55

1) Math- WB pg. 86-Quiz on Thursday

2) Religion- Choose two commandments and write what each means to you.

3) English- WB pg. 55

4) Science- Leave a paper or plastic cup of water outside for three hours.  Tell what happened.  Why did it happen?

*2 pt. bonus for S.S.- Who shot President Lincoln?

Please bring completed Reading Logs tomorrow.

January 5th

Homework # 54

1) Spelling- corrections five times each

2) Math- WB pg. 85- Quick Quiz tomorrow

3) S.S.- Create a travel brochure for the Northeast.  Include five places to visit with pictures.

* I have enrolled our class in the iXL online math program.  It is a self-paced math practice site that the students can work on at home.  In order to set up student accounts, I need to provide a home email address, which I didn't want to pass along along without consulting parents first.  If you do not wish to register your email (there is no cost to you) please let me know by Wednesday.

I will send out a more detailed letter once we are registered.